Posts by Onefineham 15
June 28, 2012
Just a short blog post today.My boss turned me on to a book by Dow Chemical CEO Andrew Liveris called Make It In America. Personally I believe it is a must read for all citizens planning to vote in the upcoming election.Here is the book on Amazon in paperback (no affiliate link): The issues we face as a nation are varied and complex and at a personal level I agree with Andrew that a revived manufacturing sector is not only possible but necessary. I also agree with him that the current pool of po
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January 03, 2012
Well we've all made it through another year of internet marketing. 2011 gave me a number of ups and downs, and I think the Google Panda update(s) have thrown us all for a loop.   Overall I was really pleased with my progress in 2011 and am hoping I can recover enough from the web turmoil to do at least as well this year. I do think it will be more challenging though, and will be looking to the WA forum for more guidance and insight for sure as more changes roll out. 
I had read a few comments by folks feeling frustration.   I just wanted to say, "I hear you, but you gotta stick with it." Here's why you're well on your way to success. 
Writing an eBook is important for new internet marketers. Why?? Because it forces the Noob to seriously research and understand a topic. Writing an eBook involves developing a coherent, in depth message. It involves researching the problems associated with a topic or niche, and finding solutions for those problems. It many times involves literally walking in the shoes of future customers... ...and in case you hadn't figured it out, that is the key to selling anything. Here are some free marketin
A couple of weeks ago I made this blog post about how I try to beat back the unrelenting efforts of online content plagarists... well maybe, just maybe Google has finally heard my plea, or more likely thousands of pleas from ripped off writers. Google Declares War today on content farms. I can't say for sure whether this means it will be effective in stamping out plagarism online, but it makes me certainly feel better to know that at least they are going to try.
February 21, 2011
Hi All- I have recently completed the article marketing club 30-day program. It was excellent. I learned a great deal about all the elements of a good article marketing campaign. I strongly urge those who have not gone through the program to sign up for the next one. I have a lot of work to do to apply all that I learned to the existing campaigns I am already running, but I have been truly ecstatic with the results I have achieved so far. I feel like I'm moving the ball forward again in a m
February 01, 2011
I have to admit, I have a real pet peeve about plagarism. While it is one thing to do research and write (hopefully) an improvement or accumulation piece on researched topics - it is quite another thing to outright take content word for word from another source without attribution. One easy way to report plagarism to Google is by using the Spam report. found here: This report does not require all the legalese of the DMCA notice,
So it took a few days to root out all the broken links on a few of my sites but I found out last night that my efforts had paid some dividends in terms of Google PR.  I went from a PR1 on my newly re-vamped site up to a PR3.  I added only one page, wrote only one article, and otherwise fixed my backlinking structure in the major places I had content on this topic. Although I'm still only ranked 2nd (and 3rd, 6th, and 9th) for my keyword phrase I
What a Morning! So I found someone clicked a random link on one of my sites and I knew it was a broken link but with a million pages to sort through I had difficultly locating it. What I didn't have difficulty with was finding the million OTHER broken links... seemingly on every single page I looked at! Now if this was a program/campaign that wasn't making money, I would understand... but this campaign is making a good amount of money and getting good traffic.  I can't imagin
So I'm checking out my emails this morning and one of them says, "XYZ company made a payment to your Paypal account."  I had never heard of XYZ company, but I figured, what the heck.  Do a google search on them.  Turns out I had made a page on their site a couple of years ago and apparently it made a few dollars! I imagine I had just used the page to create some backlinks but whatever!  Thanks for the dough, bro!
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