Posts by Onlinewealth 2
The curtain is closing on my first ten days with WA. I have not reached my goal yet of making one dollar, but the knowledge that I have gained so far has far exceeded that amount. Sure I could do a couple of friend requests on Facebook, but when I wrote down the goal of making $1 it was with the intent of making it from the content of my website.Once I build my domain and establish "friends" in other social media sites I plan on campaigning for WA as much as possible, Its certainly motivated me
July 03, 2012
The start of my first 10 days has gone quicker than I anticipated. I signed up for WA about 24 hours ago; I didn't have a clue, a niche, or a domain. After carefully following their instructions I was able to nail down my niche, obtain a domain, and I now have a direction. I am still clueless but it’s becoming less foggy and more realistic.What has been especially helpful for me is the goal setting. Most people underestimate the power of writing something down and owning it. Our m