The Final Hours of My First 10 Days

Last Update: July 12, 2012
The curtain is closing on my first ten days with WA. I have not reached my goal yet of making one dollar, but the knowledge that I have gained so far has far exceeded that amount. Sure I could do a couple of friend requests on Facebook, but when I wrote down the goal of making $1 it was with the intent of making it from the content of my website.

Once I build my domain and establish "friends" in other social media sites I plan on campaigning for WA as much as possible, Its certainly motivated me and I believe in the community. For now I think my time is best served learning how WordPress works so I can develop a site that will deliver some value to potential viewers.

The first few days seemed easy enough, I believe I was on day 6 within the first few hours. Although, I wish I had taken more time choosing my domain name. With a keyword like DIET in my domain it will certainly be lost amongst the millions until I can generate enough quality content to raise in the ranks. Always looking to the positive, once I do breakthrough the upside will be tremendous. Either way, the process of actually doing is building confidence and knowledge.

My website has been the bane of my existence the past 10 days and the primary reason for my screeching halt. I cant imagine a newbie coming into this business before WordPress, that being said, Its taking me forever to set my site up. I believe part of the problem is I suffer from the "shiny" syndrome. Any little nugget of information, training video, helpful link, or anything "shiny" like that and I run right to it......and there's A LOT of it!!

There appears to many intricate details in setting up and running a monetized website, although right now I cant see the forest through the trees. Hopefully this will become second nature and I will be putting up quality niche sites for years to come.

I would like to thank Apina and Lou47 for offering some insight into modifying WordPress (although I don't think they would want their names associated with the site in its current state of affairs) ;) Everyone here is willing to lend a helping hand which makes all the difference!

Well, onto the 30 day training and yelling at WordPress

Until next time,

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paci Premium
So did i and still do :)
paci Premium
Keep on going, every little step counts.
onlinewealth Premium
thanks paci, im definitely "baby stepping" through IM, lol