Posts by Phbreez 44
What Business or type work did you do in your life ?   Today I read the Blog of the Day and this person asked for ideas on getting it going. It spurred me to remember that when I was a Commercial Lender rep that I found a way to get prospects to call me as finding them was hard work.  I told the big boss it was boring huntin prospects and that I would find a way to have them contact me each day instead.  He just smiled and said Lotsaluck. It dawned on me one day and it was then s
Hi. Here is a little idea that we Newbies can use. I posted up a few ideas on my new site from notes I have gathered. It is my practice site. It is about Emails and Hotels for Sale.  You may like this idea....I do. I read a forum post today here at WA and it reminded me of a discovery I made yesterday when out in my local market drummin' up a new customer. I was in this bike shop.  I ride a bike every day to stay in shape as I am retired now and have the extra time. So I needed a more
September 17, 2010
I started a little Newbie Affiliate Club site which is FREE There is so much to learn and it does take time and daily effort.  I am semi- retired so I have a lot of time to devote now.  I did make a few thousand dollars making Hotel For Sale web sites and this little Newbie Club site has all the details you need to do it too.  I was a Resort Manager/Owner for 35 years, so this is easy for me...and can be for you too.  You can use my site as a real make your own
  Full Value from WAU - Click here for cooool Info you definitely can use  Don't Miss this Info...just in from Marcus - Excellent Read it a few times if you are new like me....get you going in one day     Also ... check this out to ....all from WA....makes it all worth it. WAU - Strip that Fat & Other cool stuff   Please become a Buddy here today...thanks....Phil   Welcome to our Unofficial Newbie Club  TOTALLY FREE - Newbies exchanging Ideas
July 16, 2010
This is direct to me from EZINE via email and then Copied direct to YOU as it appears to me to be super-good stuff to watch....all FREE...and you can sign up to get their emails.  With all this free stuff we that wallet up and save your bucks.  Our new motto is I'D RATHER HAVE THE CASH IN MY POCKET.  Everything we need is here at WA  and we get some cool stuff like this.  I post it up here so it doesn't get lost in the shuffle...which happened to me BEFORE I st
Yoo.....I have been getting this guy Matt's emails and blog info.  He sells some stuff but most of his info is free and excellent with great stuff like this about planning your SEO on new sites.....hope you find it interesting too.  I don't make a cent if these links goes to a pitch page...not yet anyhow   :)  If you go to this blog you will find a 12 part free video info.....I got is great stuff for new folks...thought I would mention that.  He oes try to sell
Hi......A few of us Newbies got together and email back and forth...just this past few weeks. We discovered that being new is not so bad. It allows us to spend the time and energy to learn this and not feel guilty or 'down' as we compared notes and found that although we would like to have this all in our head, sorted out and clicking along, we need to work at it. One gal plays guitar and said the only difficult part of guitar playing was the first few weeks getting the basics.  It is true
Tip # 1 - Direct from 7 reasons for providing only fresh, original human-derived content: This is word for word from Ezines.....they do not like auto-articles tools.  I am posting this as I keep getting all these emails from all kinds of people saying that auto is and makes you a ton.....not your money and read it here. This kind of goes with the last post about the WA Strip that Fat. S
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*  This post done to try to help a Newbie get it going....hope it helps ! Yesterday I received the email from WA about the Strip That Fat affiliate promotion they recommend.  And it is good.....Very Good.  I hope this helps some one that may have missed the WA email yesterday.  I was surprised as I just did a squidoo on Comfort bikes and added stuff on the side effect of weight loss as I just shed 25 + lbs.  It seems so easy to do.  Here is how I read it and my br
Right now I am working on a little business plan for myself to follow...a newbie plan so that I stop wasting time and get it day at a time.  This is all directly from a great source of info....Clickbank.  I decided that if I am going to be using Clickbank, then I should read all they have to help us out. This was a good article I thought and you might like it too....hope it helps somebody out there. PPC Marketing the Smart Way When using PPC marketing, there are seve
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