7 Reasons to use original article content

Last Update: July 14, 2010

Tip # 1 - Direct from Ezine.com


7 reasons for providing only fresh, original human-derived content:

This is word for word from Ezines.....they do not like auto-articles tools.  I am posting this as I keep getting all these emails from all kinds of people saying that auto is best...fast and makes you a ton.....not so...save your money and read it here. This kind of goes with the last post about the WA Strip that Fat.

Sometimes the fastest and easiest way just isn’t the bestway.

We’ve all received email spam written by a machine. It’s easy to spot because it’s often 100% grammatically correct English, yet the content itself is confusing, convoluted or just plain meaningless. In essence, it’s well-structured gibberish.

Believe it or not, email is not the only online medium victimized by software-derived content. Every day we receive article submissions that look like genuine articles, but read like a trip into the Twilight Zone … often to the point of being downright absurd.

In the 3rd episode of our “Article Content vs. Real Life” video series, we move some of that software-derived content into the real world. It quickly becomes obvious just how wrong, and funny, the result can be!         

  1. The CTR of original content is considerably higher.
  2. It represents your brand.
  3. Your article fulfills the reader’s need.
  4. The content builds your credibility.
  5. It builds an audience for your materials.
  6. The conversion rate is significantly higher. 
  7. It’s all written in your voice.

If you’re currently using any type of software to generate your article content, stop now. You’re not only short-changing your audience, you’re also short-changing yourself.

 Tip #2   About Article Re-review Process.

Today, "Jeff Walker's "Product Launch Formula v3" is now available for purchase: http://Chris-Recommends.com/ jeffwalker/

How to capitalize on the lessons we've learned about the Editorial Re-review Process.

FACT: The more articles you have published the more traffic you'll receive.

FACT: Editing a published (live) article may reduce the traffic you'll receive.

FACT: Occasionally you need to edit an article after it's been published.

In February we gave you the option of editing your articles after they'd been approved and published on EzineArticles. In order to maintain the quality of those revised articles, however, it's still necessary to have 2 human editors review each one as if it were a brand new article. We call this quality-control step the Re-Review Process.

During the Editorial Re-Review Process, your old article version will remain live (published) and will still be working for you to drive traffic back to your site and build your credibility and exposure. Once your revisions to the article are approved, the newly accepted version of the article will replace the old version.

Unfortunately, there are times when the revised article doesn't get approved. In that case you'll be notified via email that you have 30 days to make the necessary changes and resubmit your article for another editorial review.

But wouldn't it be a lot easier to get your edited article approved the first time? Of course. The good news is that over the last several months, our Editors have come to realize that there are 6 key reasons why resubmitted articles aren't approved on the first attempt. In this video, I'll share their insights and the tips they've developed to help make the Re-Review Process as painless as possible.



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Thanks for the information you posted here it is real helpful.