Gotta Read Post from Pot Pie Girl

Last Update: June 08, 2010

If you are new.....check this out if you have time.

I just ran into this terrific post ...from Pot Pie Girl.

It is her 1,000 post and is extra good with a step by step process you will find to be excellent from some one who really knows.  It is called 10 Questions- My Story

It is about what she would do if she started from scratch with no that.

So go to'll see the link above toward the top left.

Then go to Success Posts Here and then it is the third post down the list.

Take time to read this and be on your way to a great start.

Being in my 8th day now, I am very happy to find all these nice methods that are available to us.

If you have a neat way to get us new people going, please leave a comment and if I need to make corrections or edits, please let me now.

Lets be Buddies here and help each other get a good start.



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