Had to Decide what to do First

Last Update: June 08, 2010

Getting started was easy and a bit difficult too.

 Here is My Start up things I did.  Hope this helps you get started too.

I logged in and clicked on every link to see the site content.  That took a little time, but I figured,  I better 'read' the instructions this time. 

 It really did turn out to be a good thing to do.

I just retired....or now I guess semi-retired.   I will never retire again .... it is boring and no fun at all if you have been a worker all your life.  About two weeks was enough for me.

Past Experience

I was a General Manager and District Manager of Resorts all my life.

I did learn to build a web site and have made a few thousand dollars creating web sites for hotel owners that were selling their hotels. So I had a little bit of a head start. Not much though.

I watched a zillion SEO videos that came along every day in my email.  

This is one site I made....not fancy...but it works great for the owner selling the hotel ~  www.freedomresort.com.

Every time the owner talks to a prospect, he tells them to go to the site and see all the pictures to determine if they like the hotel enough to come do a site inspection. 

You'll see if you take a look.  You can make these sites in one day and make about $499.00 each.  There are tons of hotels for sale now.  Don't worry the web site builder they have here is super-easy to use and you can learn to do it too in one day......really all you do is put in Text and pictures and links....no biggy.

After searching around the WA site - Next I did the First Lesson

Once I worked my way through the first lesson and had a few days to burn.

I thought....I want to get right on to lesson 2, but I had to wait.  Bummer.  But as it turned out...it was a good thing too.

I was very tempted to jump right back into my email and dig through those offers, but decided......no-way.....got me no wheres fast.


 But, I do read the emails I get from WA each day.... and they are terrific.  Got one a day and it gave me good direction....which I needed.  It is like having a friend that is willing to show me how to do it all...a guide I suppose.

So I thought Ok.....I'm new here and should follow their lead.

Next thought I had was


*  I decided to ask around for a  few ideas.

Marcus steered me over to the WA Blog/Funnel approach.

So I went over and set up the Blog and got the sites that were almost instantly set up for me. Keep reading and I'll tell how I did that little chore.

The Web site and blog that was created for me  looked terrific...very professional. You get the same thing too from WA and it's FREE.

The content is awesome and it has a great look. What a relief that was. 

I all of a sudden had a blog which looks really cool and a WA web site to promote and I had no idea that would be included. 

Makes getting started a snap.  You are about to set up the exact same thing, but in your name with your picture and with your affiliate code so you can start making a few bucks right off.

Great Content and fully optimized.

You get your own blog and web site professional set up for you right here in WA.

This WA blog is full of content for new people wanting to get into online marketing and needs to know the fundamentals. Start from scratch with a step by step plan.  I figured...wow...that is why I signed up myself.

If you are new.....you can go and create your own blog funnel and actually read the ten lessons and learn allot right off your own blog. I was impressed with my own blog and you will be impressed with your personal site too,  I bet.

You will get a WA web site too that is all set up for you and looking great.  It actually looks just like the offer you responded to in order to get signed up.  If you are new...you must have just done that a few days ago.

Once this is set up, you are ready to roll.  It is a great web site and was the 'hook'  that got us to sign up and join in.  Without that site, we probably would not be here now.  So I figure it works great.

You will quickly learn about the Las Vegas challenge and how to market the WA program.  You can start making money on day one. 

That had a great appeal to me.

Basically you will be offering the same Step by Step course to folks out there that are trying to find a quality course on how to do this internet marketing with all the fundamentals built in. 

 Since I spent hours going over this WA site, I found it to be excellent and worthy of referring to others. 

We have a Few Weeks of Training to do to get up to speed on fundamentals.

We have a few weeks of training lessons, but they have made it so we can get started right away.  Made sense to me.

 So here is what I did.  Since I am on day 8 now, I may not have every details absolutely correct.

 Here is the first thing I set up with WA.....it is super easy to do and this is what you will get ...but under your name.


click on it and check it out....nice !

You will notice that WA immediately established me as an affiliate and my code is embedded.  That means that I ( and you too as soon as you set this up ) can start making money right away...today.

I'll show you what I started doing today in a minute to help you get started.  You can do the exact same thing if you like.

 So now.... can you start promoting the WA University program using your coded affiliate link. 

And they have set up 8 more special bonus affiliate links that you can offer your visitors.  These links will take your visitors directly to a special order page that is fine-tuned for a specific Wealth Affiliate program or bonus.


Remember, I am only here just 8 days now and getting this blog and pre-made web site is amazing ..... and it validated my decision to subscribe. 

If I didn't think the content of this program was excellent, then I would not do this.....but I like it all.  For me, it is good.

Your tracking id will be found by going to the Affiliate Program Tab on the Home Page and click on that tab.  You'll get a drop down box and go to Links & Tracking to find all this info.

 You may say...wow...that is a lot of jumping around on this WA site....but spend an hour and get totally familiar and it will become easy to do fast.

 Here is what I suggest you might do now.

1.  Go to the Affiliate Program drop down box on the Home Page.

2.  Go to Getting Started - Access the WA Super Affiliate Program Here - click 

3. Go down to Start the Super Affiliate PPC Marketing Course Here - click

4.  Scroll down to Getting Set - Up with Your Wealth Affiliate Links

5,  There is a link that looks like this ~  ( or just click it now )


 That's enough for today....but come back and I'll go over the little method they suggest that gets you up and marketing with no cost ...I got it right from the WA emails they sent me.  Just got it today and I thought....oh good...that's how to start properly.  You might like it too.

Three simple steps and you are set up - ready to go.... and actually have a system that you can do over and over every day and start making some bucks.

Having a little simple three step system we can use to get started will give us confidence and get us going properly.  And it is easy...real easy.  Nothing technical.  

If you are a member and have a neat little plan that we can use to get started that is super-easy, please make a post here for us all....many thanks. We want all the easiest methods to get started and build our confidence and reassure ourselves that this is finally do-able and worth the time it takes to do.

If you are unemployed, a student or retired like me...this seems like a good path to follow.

If you look at the next Post,  the three steps will show up there.  So good luck and please remember that  I am just 8 days new when I made this post.  If you can improve on this, please email me or leave a comment and I'll edit.

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