My competition and plagiarism.

Last Update: February 04, 2011

I recently began my second campaign and noticed that when I purchased my domain name that someone had already purchased the .com version. Which is great a little competition will keep it interesting! I kept dropping by on occasion to check the sites progress and found that nothing was being done. All that was there was a wordpress theme with no content but the default hello world post. Anyways I stop back by today to find a fully built website but something was off. As I read through the page it seemed as if the sections didn't match up and some of the wording was off so out of curiosity I ran the content through copyspace (which I know is a bit nosy but I had a hunch) only to find out that there wasn't a single bit of original content. The homepage was comprised of sections from 7 different websites, and was not even spun or changed just cut and paste. Although I know this doesn't help them at all not having any unique content, I am still rubbed the wrong way I guess it just seems like a cheap way to try to market. Anyways this is me venting frustration and appealing to the new recruits as well so they understand this is not affiliate marketing it is plagiarism and you will not find true success if you aren't willing to put the time into your business.

I wont say which domain it is I am talking about because unfortunately I think this is a member here at WA. I could be wrong (which I hope I am) but I have been nosy enough and do not want to step on anyone's toes.

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phildeeze Premium
Thanks for the input and you have a good point that they may change their content in the future which would be great I would like the competition it would be a huge motivator for the both of us. It was just a shock to me how bad it was done I have seen many people who change a few words around and call it their own but this was dead on identical even the spelling errors :)
bkb2012 Premium
There are 1 of 2 forces at work: 1) the obvious is taking place...but more appropriately...this is a new person who doesn't know where to they cut/paste. What happens over time is that they change their tune if they're serious about their business, they put their time in and do the necessary research and work with writing. 2) If they don't, they will not get very far into the marketing process because they'll have no way to scale up their campaigns. To do this, it means a ton of content has to be written. Yeah - a lot of people build crazy content when they're first new. The better ones finally zero in on content that can be written fast and well when they realize what the public looks for and wants. The black hatters eventually get de-indexed. So hang in there. Try not to worry about it. Develop your writing and you will do very well ! bkb2012...Barbara