Newbies Unite!

Last Update: February 14, 2011

I have found a new source of motivation for myself, and I believe it would do the same for others. I set up a yahoo messenger account the other day with the sole purpose of helping out a fellow WA member. Little did I know that it would end up being more help to me than him. Just working with another Internet Marketer has given me a huge boost in motivation and I would recommend it to anyone looking for another tool for their toolbox. I know you can get any of your questions answered here at WA, but communicating directly with another marketer can be much more beneficial at times. Not to mention the motivation you will gain by seeing the work other marketers are doing and the progress they are making. This may not sound useful to everyone, but it has lit a fire under my a$$ and has me working harder than ever.

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So true! A problem shared is a problem halved. Success shared doubles the dividends.
Alex Copeland Premium
That's cool man, everyone gets there spark from a different place and it's great you have found yours.... especially with the Google love/hate relationship you just experienced it is awesome you are using those lemons to make lemonade! (ref to Travis there) :)