Posts by Raycal.1 3
August 26, 2010
Ka-ching...Ka-ching...First Sale, took me just under 6 months, but finally got it and it feels damn good. My life has been a little hectic lately and a few different personal problems have kept me away from my IM efforts the last month or so. On top of those issues my computer crashed last week, so I have been scrambling to get things back in order. So I went to clickbank and was having trouble logging in.  I did the forgot password thing, and when I finally got myself logged in....There it
May 02, 2010
Just came of a serious burn out.  I've had more than a few lil' burns but this one was a lil' different.   I'm sure there are a lot of peeps here that can identify.  You know the routine.  Immerse yourself into this as hard as you can, until inevitably you crash and burn.  Especially someone like me that started out with not a one inkling as to how IM all this works.  Not to mention not to technical with the computer skills either. Well anyway I was at the end, and
Well it's been 5 days since I signed up her.  With all there is here to take in, I must admit it has been a little mind numbing and confusing to me at times.  Trying my best to navigate thru the site and familiarize myself with all the things WA has to offer, but sometimes find my ending up with more questions than answers.  Thankfully there are a lot of good people around here to help me out.  I find that to be one  of the better things about being here. I would like to