Thought it was about time for my first blog here...

Last Update: March 21, 2010

Well it's been 5 days since I signed up her.  With all there is here to take in, I must admit it has been a little mind numbing and confusing to me at times.  Trying my best to navigate thru the site and familiarize myself with all the things WA has to offer, but sometimes find my ending up with more questions than answers.  Thankfully there are a lot of good people around here to help me out.  I find that to be one  of the better things about being here. I would like to thank everyone that has helped me.

 Been trying to spend any spare time i get on this.  Some things are starting to click for me, while others i just don't understand yet.  But I am determined to keep plugging at it, and know if I do it will become easier and easier with time.

Well that's it for now, and may everyone have a great day......



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