I'm beginning to get it !

Last Update: April 25, 2012

Ah, the button top-right says Create a new Blog, which actually means to me I can create (add, post)a new post on my existing blog !  OK.  Got it !

This is really so funny---I am meandering around, similar to what I did when I first joined WA.  First thing is, I wanted to figure out when OEP got started.  Most entries seem to lack a date.  But I finally got it----sometime around now, April 2012.  Hooray !

So, I'll catch my friends up on Big Island life  now  It is nesting season for birds just about everywhere in the northern hemisphere, I guess.  Here, too.

I spend most of the day on my lanai (Hawaiian word for porch), which for me is a really large outdoor room with areas for cooking, dining with friends, reading/computer/talkstory/sitting area, sleeping,.  

There's lots of places around the lanai for birds to nest.  One annual favorite is less than two feet over my head from where I sit now at my computer. Several days ago it started. A sweet pair of little finches grabbed the spot, and in two or three days the nest was fully built.  They are fast ! 

Then they were not sure about me.  Was I a threat sitting here??? They stared.  Stared some more.  And some more. And then decided (do birds decide?) I am ok, because they now fly in and out of the new nest all day long.  I love the sound of whirring wings right over my head.  And when the two of them fly together, it's double-whirrrrrr.   

We're getting along fine, the birds and I.  Just waiting for that egg . I'll keep you posted.

And gosh, it is sure good to be back !  WA. OEP, whatever.  Love it !




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Labman_1 Premium
How'd the egg turn out.
reefswimmer Premium
Actually, the finches left this nest and built another one, laid the egg there. But they do visit this one they made over my head, at least a few times a day. Like a beloved summer home. Other pairs of small birds visit it too. It's a busy place, yet no one lays eggs there. Funny, cuz this is the third year this pattern has happened. And the first two years, my chair (and I) were not anywhere nearby.
sweet story
Stacydee Premium
Welcome back!
Labman_1 Premium
If you go to the training menu item the second entry will give you a brief intro to the OEP system and some really good tricks to make your life easier.
Labman_1 Premium
Welcome back. Not sure exactly where you are in the islands but we have a new member from your neck of the woods. Seikle I believe is his handle. Perhaps you can share with each other. Hope the lanai doesn't get too dangerous when those eggs hatch.