Busy Busy Busy!

Last Update: November 11, 2009

Hey WA!

Sorry I haven't been around these parts much lately.  I have been off marketing and testing some new waters.

What have you guys been up to?

Since I last wrote, I have created a pen name, thrown up a couple new websites in a new researched niche and been hitting the article marketing over at EZA hard.  I have done better with my bio box and been getting much more traffic to my secondary site in the new niche.  Google didn't index my new site for over a week!  I couldn't believe it - but it's all a "go" now.

Moving into a completely brand new niche has been a fun transition.  Most of all I have done up until this point has been in article marketing so I wanted a change.  I jumped into what I believe is a low competition area for dating and relationships.  We will see if I can compete!

What else is new...

I am planning on marketing a product I am working on.  The approach will be extremely simplistic with videos as the main source of learning as a tool.  It will come introductory marketing tactics aimed at the newcomer to get them up and running from step one to step - making money in a very short time.  I plan on giving up some of the secrets I have learned and some free resources that have made my life very easy as a newbie.  I still have a ways to go before it's all put together, but I am starting to get very excited seeing the "plan" come together.  (Anyone remember the A Team? lol)

That's about it for now - If I missed commenting on something or turning a PM you sent me, PLEASE send it again.  I have allowed myself to get a little too busy lately!  



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idm Premium
Thanks for the feedback sir. I've definitely learned much from following your progress so it's well earned. Cheers!
Revelation Premium
Hahahah hey idm! I saw that resource and gave you a 10! Well thought out and put together. Liked your advice and think I can learn something from it. You were too kind to put me in there awwww :P We are both going places bud - a year from now?? Hmm... I like the thoughts I have about that! Cheers!
idm Premium
Hahah I was wondering where you were. I added a resource to WA finally and played with Camtasia Studio which means I'll be doing video tutorials sometime in the near future. There's so much to do, but just think about this time next year. At the rate you're going I'm sure you'll be living in an alternate reality.