Offer To Help

Last Update: October 25, 2009

Hey WAU!

I wanted to throw a quick blog up about helping others.

We all pay to use this site.  Some use it more than others.  As a "community" it would be awesome to see more help offered from within our own community, yeah?! :)

Maybe I'm not the best at SEO, maybe you aren't the best at PPC, maybe none of us are the best at making marketing videos...but you know what?  We can all help other people in other ways!

I got the nicest email today from a lady about a tutorial I posted.  My tutorial wasn't "super", I'm not a "guru", it wasn't a "secret" but it was something that worked for me.  She thanked me for it and I felt fantastic that I actually "helped someone".

If you understand a certain aspect of IM, share it!  Make a tutorial, make a video, post a blog, make a PDF... whatever!  This community is only as good as those that participate it in. 

I'm off to the races to do some blogging and make some more tutorials.  So, get involved, invite some friends, post something - DO SOMETHING! :D



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bkb2012 Premium
John - This is an excellent post. bkb2012
Revelation Premium
Heck yeah! One spark can light a fire. I want to see videos! :D
idm Premium
I know I have a lot more to offer WA so I plan to put up some video tutorials in the near future. Probably some web development how-to's to begin with.
iWilco Premium
this blog as inspired me to do a video about dragon speech to text and how it can increase article marketing speed!