Cheers Jay! Think I've got keyword research sussed

Last Update: April 22, 2011

Hey guys,

 Was at the webinar with Jay last night. 

Missed a lot as I was listening and implementing as it went through. There's tons of stuff I picked up. 

 I threw in a fair whack of the results I got on the forum thread after I ploughed my way through the keyword tool and research stuff. 

Obviously I didn't post the Sweeeeeeeeeeeet domain I grabbed myself but I put a few others that I came across within the dog niche in the forum. 

Don't like being selfish.

Be warned though...

The last one is on a bowel topic though. It's in huge writing incase you;ve just had breaky. 

That's my disclosure out the way.

oh and there's a .com matched to an affiliate program for that one. You can all decide for yourself if it's worth going after.

I've not got the stomach to write about that stuff so I'll pass it on to any other WAers that think it's worth a crack at. 

All the best


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Jamie Smith Premium
Cheers Robert, I am glad you enjoyed Jay's WAbinar class!