Matt Cutts Talks About Article Marketing

Last Update: April 08, 2012

Hey Guys,

Well this latest war with Google is struck all my sites at the core and resulted in me losing everything in an instant. So it's back to the drawing board.

Zero Sites...Zero Revenue and I don't think there's anyone going to have workarounds to getting back in the game anytime soon.

And I sure as heck aren't going to go pay Google for PPC advertising.

For the time-being, I'm sitting back and watching on the sidelines to see how this plays out.

What I jumped in for was to share this video from Matt Cutts and hopefully some of you might have some insight into what's going on.

Would love to hear your thoughts. Any ideas for weathering out the storm would also be appreciated.


PS...Since the WA update, I can't get the video to work. So guess that was a wasted post. Looking forward to see what happens in WA in the coming future anyway. Take care all.


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justcruzin Premium
Just breathe, deeply.
robert2704 Premium
Hi Joan,

Yeah, I've never had a problem with Street Articles. I think the social side of it is going to drive it further in the long term. After watching the video from Matt Cutts, It's kind of confirmed what I thought about sites like ezine articles. They've just been inundated with marketers that's kind of ruined the platform as I reckon a while back there would be folks actually wanting to self publish without wanting to sell stuff constantly.
jatdebeaune Premium
That seems to be consistent with what I'm hearing everywhere, hence, the reason I like to publish on my own site, do guest blogging and guest articles in off beat places, and comment in pertinent forums. I can't prescribe for everybody, but my instinctive feeling is just build the value of your own sites. Google can't argue with that. Use good keywords, and find other ways to get targeted traffic, other than articles. Doesn't have to be PPC. I don't like it when a crappy blog adopts my article, rewrites it, then uses my name. Or, they use just the title, and write something crappy. In those cases, I'm glad they don't use my name.
jatdebeaune Premium
Addendum: SA is an exception. You can link to articles on your own site from SA, and vice versa. SA is going for quality.