Last Update: August 12, 2010

Hey, I hope ya’ll are going on well here at WA, this incredible community. I had wished my first blog post to be a success story, or something good to share to all you brothers and sisters, but I really couldn’t wait for that to reach.

O.k, I had joined WA back in mid May, and I have barely done anything to smile about, thanks to my ever-unstable net connection. I live in Kenya, Africa, a country with very poor infrastructure especially in terms of communication.

Here, internet is considered as a very valuable commodity, a first class luxury need. The highest internet connection one can experience is 2MBps, @ a whooping price of about 130$ per month, in 1 computer.

For normal college students like us with portable laptops, we can only afford a portable modem, with monthly subscription of 15$ at 256kbps!..so damn slow. Not enough to watch a 5 min YouTube video. (And it WONT even be 256kbps,as they promise, it usually peaks at 190kbps because of network overload) the same applies to anyone accessing the internet inside a cyber café.

So WA, being a multimedia site, with good tutorials I video format, I miss great tutorials and resources…u can forgive me if I tell I have never watched ANY video inside WA! Not because of my laziness,…..my net.

Had the videos been made downloadable, then at least I could be leaving my Laptop Overnight to do some 2 or 3 video downloads, then watch them offline at my free time..
So Glad to you all out there who’re enjoying faster and stable internets, I’m craving for the same to happen to me here too.


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Fallulah Premium
Oh boy that must sooooo drive you nuts! And thank you for reminding me to be thankful for my own connection. I've been getting a little grumpy lately, not because of the speed but because it keeps going down - at the most inconvenient times and I've lost a fair amount of work! I can't think of a resolution for your problem at the moment but I'm going to hold out that there IS one and you will find it soon my friend. In the meantime chug away with what you've got, at least you'll have the chance to be thorough :) !
iFaith Premium
Yes, I know what you are feeling, the better the speed, the better the outcome. Maybe for some people, but I've found that you can chug along at the slowest rate and still achieve one thing - build on it - til you can afford the higher speed capability. What we do with the resources that we have now to its fullest capability is more important than having the tools/resources and speed and yet do nothing with them. We can always wish and hope - let these be your motivation to push yourself to do all you have to do to make it possible to afford that high speed access. Good luck and keep moving forward at your own speed as well as that of your internet access and make your goals a success.
Felio Premium
I felt so fortunate to be in Singapore after reading your blog. My current broadband download speed is averaging 16 to 24Mbps at a monthly subscription of US$ 42 for unlimited access. My home already had the optic fiber cable point installed and is waiting for the multi-million dollar Nation-wide optic fiber cabling program to be completed by 2012. Once completed, our internet speed will reach 1Gbps. Not too sure how much will be the subscription. Hope it's reasonable. Looking forward to it.