About Schalkl
Joined October 2009
Hi, my name is Schalk

I live in Auckland, New Zealand. Have been married for 30 years, and have two wonderful daughters and one very loving grandson (who is now 2).

Although I have a background in IT (business analysis) I had absolutely no clue about internet marketing when I joined WA. Now, more than two years later, I can honestly say that I have learned a lot in that time, but there's still LOTS more to learn...

I have made my first online sale, but I know there is still a lot I have to improve before I will make a decent income online.

Fortunately, I have a full-time job, so at this stage I am not relying on my IM income (yet), but my aim is to change that. I want to get to a point where I earn just as much from IM as I do from my job.

With patience, slowly learning more and more, and applying what I learn, I will get there - sooner than I might think today.

The following three quotes will inspire me through this journey:
1) "Do or do not... there is no try" - Yoda
2) "Thoughts become things... choose the good ones" - Mike Dooley
3) "When you know what you want, and want it bad enough, you will find a way to get it" - Jim Rohn
Schalkl's Accomplishments

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judybail Premium
Welcome to WA.
amazing1 Premium
How are you doing? Brian
schalkl Premium
Hi Brian, thanks for asking. I'm finding it VERY hard - the whole research thing to get your niche, etc seems so "wolly" (for lack of a better word) to me. I'm a paint-by-numbers type of person, so I struggle with the open-to-every-way type of stuff. BUT I *think* I have found a niche, and have registered my domain. I'm very fond of Scottish Single Malt whiskies, and am probably more knowledgeable on single malts than your average joe, so I'm going to try to build a site around single malt whiskies!
amazing1 Premium
Welcome to WA. Just check out all the information that WA has to offer. Begin and keep learning and give it time to develop, be patient and you have a great playing field to work with. This is the best site by far in regards to an education in Internet Marketing techniques. I am new to WA however I am not new to Affiliate marketing. I am starting to network and eventually that will pay off..and add to this great community feel here at WA. All I can say is get involved and don't give up. You are at a place of integrity which is hard to find these days on and offline.
Feel free to ask questions here there are a number of nice knowledgeable people available to assist.
I'm Brian from Oregon and I have been an IT person for 8 years at a call center. Now I am a student. So with that said, let's network.
To your success.
schalkl Premium
Hi Brian, and thanks for being the first to welcome me after Kyle & Carson's email! I'm looking forward to this learning experience, and I'm sure that with the help of people like yourself it will be a lot easier.
Bryceb Premium
Welcome to WA and Internet Marketing for that matter. If I can be of any help especially with you getting started then please don't hesitate to contact me. :)
Bryceb Premium
Hi, Thank you so much for your best wishes. I wish you the same success.
Br, Bryce
schalkl Premium
Hi Bryce, and thanks for the welcome message. I really hope you can achieve your dream of quitting your job a lot quicker with the help of everybody in WAU!
schalkl Premium
Hi everybody, I just want to introduce myself. Starting something completely new at my age is both exciting and scary, but I'm looking forward to the learning experience.