Posts by Sherbet Penny 16
I have had success since joining WA over 2 years ago (success being a couple of thousand dollars a year and nothing more) yes, not much but better than nothing, and most of that came from Halloween niche and a couple of other niches I should never have even entered. I have near 20 mini Halloween sites that do ok all year round and bring in a few hundred at Halloween and after. They are all Exact Match Domains and though I love the Halloween niche and it has made me some extra cash, I need ad
February 14, 2012
This is a bit off-topic of IM but also a chance for a little break and cup of tea. If you are like me, and buy possibly collect books (yes I know and have heard of Kindle) and still use a local book stores, if you wouldn't mind to share the book store you use and possibly give me the link, as I am building and planning to build post and pages on my new site in support of local bookstores which I strongly believe is saving. My new site is The Ranting, and the more bookstores I can
October 31, 2011
Hi everyone at WA, just here to say Happy Halloween (though a day late) to everyone and especially to all newbies, I am in the Halloween niche and made great money this year and it is all thanks to WA so if you are new, stick with it, put the work in and you will be successful here at WA, good luck and enjoy!!
So I have been keeping an eye, reading everywhere and studying the Google Panda scenario and as in the last 2 days, Panda is on release 2.3, and you may have noticed some of your sites doing the famous dance, as I have mine, which a lot of my sites had been jumping like frogs on hot coal, all now have returned with better page rank, actually all my Halloween sites have returned with better page rank and also the traffic to these sites has soared, so very happy as I must be doing something right
Maybe it is because I have published over 50 articles with SA and now when I send in an article it is published with in a minute, yes you heard me, a minute. Some people may think this is great, I believe it's a joke. Basically as I can see, as you go over 50 articles you are passed on to a machine, that basically scans your article to see if it is a "duplicate" and when passed published in at least 40-50 seconds. Now, I though it was a human reading these and how I know it is no
Hi good people of WA, I'm putting out a question to any one who is in the Halloween niche, yes I know this is early but some feed back from much more experienced Marketers in this niche would be appreciated. I'm just wondering when you start to prepare for Halloween. I have written an Article with SA that explains my question more as I would love to hear from people well experienced in this niche, the article is Halloween Costumes-As A Marketer Is It Too Early To Start Preparing? Thanks an
What Is The Point Of Street Articles. Man, this article site is really beginning to pee me off and I'm sure I am not the only one. I recently decided to give them a try with all the over the top  panic about Ezine articles, and write a few as they are claiming they are the new power, top rankings etc and all that, fine. Not for the first time, you spend your time writing an UNIQUE ya hear me UNIQUE article, as just a few minute ago, a 613 word UNIQUE article, all my own words only again, an
December 08, 2010
Hi to all my WA friend,just thought I would post a little music to take a break, take 5 and remember the tragic waste of talent and man that was the great John Lennon of his 30th anniversary. John, we salute you.
November 29, 2010
I have posted this on my blog but thought I would share it also with my WA friends and buddies. How many times have you come across something like this "The Internet is changing fast and you will be left behind if you do not see the latest make money product out now" and so on,  "sign up now for a free sample of this product" it goes on and on.... There are a lot of these types of advertisements around the Internet, and in reality
September 22, 2010
Just a word out to newbies like myself, keep at it, I made my first sale today with clickbank and over 10 sales with Commission Junction (though small)  After reading an email sent to me this week telling me Article Marketing is basically dead, and Facebook is the new way forward (buy my product please) my head was spinning and thinking am I wasting my time. Though the internet is changing, and new methods using Facebook and Twitter seem to be growing, I wonder are kyle