About Soo
Joined August 2008
Hi, I'm Soo from Malaysia. I'm new to internet marketing, but I believe it is a HUGE pot of gold - waiting for me to discover and make profit! :)
I'm currently a freelance medical writer, so I'm sort of juggling between writing assignments and internet marketing activities, AND not forgetting my responsibility as a housewife. :)
I hope I can learn things fast enough and put them into practice. Gee, can't wait to see my first sales, :P.
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TimKessler Premium
Hi Soo, welcome to WA. You've come to the right place to make money online. I made my first buck after only two weeks joining the program. Being a medical writer will certainly help you a lot. I do a lot of medical articles myself on Squidoo and it is the biggest earning niche for me. Good luck.
TimKessler Premium
Hi Soo. I didn't do anything special to earn my first sales in my first month. I basically set up a schedule to do between 3 to 5 Squidoo lens each day and follow the Squidoo Optimization tecniques you will learn from here. As to what to sell, you can basically sell anything. Try looking for a good ebook to sell from Clickbank, that's a good easy start. Plan to write at least 10 lens per Niche. You can find my daily schedule from my WA Space blog. Don't worry, even if it seems like nothing you're doing is making a sale just keep going. The sales will come, that's a guarantee.
TimKessler Premium
Hi Soo, just finished visiting your Squidoo lens. If this really is your first Squidoo lens, I've only got one word for you....WOW. Very proffesionally written, you've really followed Carson and Kyle's Squidoo Optimization guide well. I can't think of anything to improve it but you might want to consider adding a Youtube vid. Google loves Youtube and I noticed that my lens that contain a Youtube vid tends to rank better. Also don't forget to social bookmark your lens. I use Social Poster (www.socialposter.com). Without social bokmarking it's gonna take ages for the lens to rank in Google. You can also go to Squidutils (www.squidutils.com) to check you lens health to see if it is properly optimized.
Hey, congrats. You've taken your first step to IM fame.
TimKessler Premium
Hi Soo, Digging and Stumbling your lens is part of Social Bookmarking. Actually StumbleUpon is an excellent Bookmarking site. If you visit Social Poster (www.socialposter.com) you'll find a whole list of social bookmarking sites that you can post your lens to. You'd have to sign up an account for these sites first which will take a lot of your time initially but after that, going thru the list takes only about 15 minutes. What I usually do is wait for my lens to get listed in Squidoo (when it is no longer red colour in your Squidoo Stats page) beofre I Social Bookmark. What this does is create backlinks to your lens which will raise its ranking in Google.

If you'd like to see some of the lens I've created, visit this link. http://www.squidoo.com/lensmasters/TimKessler

Don't forget to Favourite them and give me some 5 stars ;)
Soo Premium
Hi Tim! Thanks for your warm welcome! :) Wow, you managed to make money in the first month? That's cool! What is your advice for a fresh newbie like me? Where to start? What to sell? Thank you in advance for your tips. ;)
Soo Premium
Hey Tim, thanks for the great tips. I am aware of the importance of squidoo lens, but have yet to produce one. May be I should try to write one this week. Have a good weekend! :)
Soo Premium
hi Tim, how you're doing? I have started a squidoo lens for wealthyaffiliate.com. So far i have written some intro stuffs, I have more to add to the lens in the coming few days, basically to list out the different benefits of joining WA from a newbie's perspective. Would you mind pay a visit there when you have time, and give me some feedback to improve it? :-) Thank you in advance!

My squidoo lens URL: http://www.squidoo.com/WealthyAffiliateNewbieReview
Soo Premium
Hello Tim, thanks for dropping my squidoo lens and leaving a 'promotional' message there. :) Thanks also for your suggestions about adding video to my lens and to social bookmark them. One question: what do you mean by social bookmarking my lens? Digg it and stumble upon it myself?

What squidoo lens do you have? Can I visit them? :)
Soo Premium
Thanks Tim! I didn't know much about social bookmarking before this. Now I know.... :)
I will visit your lenses soon, I'm sure I will learn a great deal from them. I'll update you when I have more lenses to show, okay?
TJ Books Premium
Welcome to WA, Soo! This is where you Learn to Earn. I have written some tutorials to help you along the rode if you are interested. John
Soo Premium
Hi TJ, nice to meet you. Thanks for the "20 steps to Internet Marketing" article. :)
alfredfernandes Premium
Hi Soo,
Welcome to WA IM University! Wishing you every success and happiness.
alfredfernandes Premium
Thanks Soo for your kind msg.

In fact you get every IM tip on earth in the WA Knowledge Bank! There is no short-cut as such. Believe me I struggled over 2 years wasting my money and energy on some useless stuff and programs. You're fortunate you've started your IM business on the right path.

Only thing you have to do is follow the WA 8 week plan meticulously and you're no more an IM Newbie on the contrary ONLINE SUCCESS!!

Wishing you every success. Cheers.
Soo Premium
Hi Alfred, thanks for dropping by my space. Any tips for a internet marketing newbie? :)
Soo Premium
Thanks for the advice and good wishes, Alfred. :)
Ezinewriter Premium
Hello Soo and welcome to WA. This place is great to learn not only from WA but from each other. Hope you enjoy!
Soo Premium
Hi Sylviane, nice meeting you. Looks like we both have been doing lots of writing for a living. I wish you all the best in IM (and myself too)! :-)
kuma Premium
Hi Soo
Welcome to WA....greetings from a fellow Malaysian
kuma Premium
Hi Soo....nice to meet you. My IM biz? Still working hard at it. Wasn't as easy as I thought it might be, but it's very interesting and rewarding. My advise to if you are new...don't make the mistake most of us did, i.e to try and learn from to many resources.I wasted 8 months and lots of ringgit doing that and the net result was I became thoroughly confused. Choose 1 and stick to it....once you have some degree of success...then go on and see what others are doing. WA is a great place to learn. Need help, no problem...just PM me and I'll give you my mail.
Success to you.
Soo Premium
Hi Kuma! Nice to meet you. How are you doing in IM so far? Hope I can learn a thing or two from you. :)