Completely Thrilled!

Last Update: November 12, 2009

I usually don't pay too much attention to nominal statistics.  This is primarily because they really don't have any bearing on what I'm doing.  Today is a bit different.  I was completely thrilled when I saw this...

For one reason or another, I noticed my member rank this morning.  It is at # 4!  How in the world did that happen?  I know that I am active in the forum, but I'm sure that there are more people that dedicate more time and effort than I.

Either way, I am very flattered that I am ranked that high.  This of course is NOT a personal achievement.  It is because all of you take the time to help me and give me support and guidance.  I do like to try and do the same - sort of "pay it forward."  If you will continue to listen, I will continue to speak!

This is a short entry today, but I do want to give everyone out there a HUGE THANK YOU for this wonderful honor!

 I will be probably positing some statistics later on today for my current campaigns.  That being said though, I am not going to leave you without the joke of the day!

"A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory!"

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StorminNorman Premium
hey dude you are right up there with PPG and Kyle and Carson ... way to go dude!
Louise M. Premium
Hey congratulations ! :)
Pretty cool indeed !

I don't know why but I want to give you some gold so here you are ! Stay motivated and keep up the good work ! :)

idm Premium
I noticed I jumped up quite a bit too. I'm not sure what it means but it's cool to see you jump up like that!