I Can't Believe This!!!

Last Update: August 09, 2010

As a lot of you know, Pete and I are the creators of The Evolution of a Sale (or EOS).  First, I can't tell you just how happy we are that people have found success because of this and are making real income with it!

That being said, we're doing something that we've never done before and probably won't do again...

 We are knocking the price down of EOS almost in HALF!!

I guess the thought behind this is to give EVERYONE the opportunity to enjoy the benefits of EOS.

The one thing that we wanted to make sure to do was limit the amount of time we do this for....

7 days 

You see, we think that this is a great product and the thought of discounting it sort of takes away from the value of it we think.  That being said, we thought that it would be great to give more people the chance to grab it.

This is not some cheezy promotion that we're doing.  On May 21st, we are raising the price back up.  I don't know....we think a week is enough time for people to get it.

I thought I'd give all my pals at the WA the first opportunity to grab it at a steep discount before we tell the world about it.

Well that's all I've got for tonight.

Hope ya'll are doing well and keep on keeping on!




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jatdebeaune Premium
Good show Mike. Everybody should grab it. You must be deep in work. Miss seeing and hearing from you here. How are you?