Posts by Sox1n05 58
September 28, 2011
No,of course I didn't leave! I've been checking in every once and a while.  Ya know, just peeking in to see how everyone's doing!  That being said, I hope that everyone's doing well - I know, it's been awhile! I've really been busy actually.  Almost too busy!  Yes, I am still very much involved with internet marketing.  I've been doing a lot of it the last couple of years.  From affiliate stuff, to offline campaigns for some friends, building websites for companies
That's a good question! Actually I've been busier than all with everything IM and family stuff.  Summers seem to always get the best of me! Between baseball games, picnics, b-day parties, etc. it seems that I've had very little time to come and hang out with everyone at the WA That being said though, both Pete and I have still been working - and I mean working HARD! We actually just ramped up The Evolution of a Sale 2.   It took a couple of months, but we're just about there! 
As a lot of you know, Pete and I are the creators of The Evolution of a Sale (or EOS).  First, I can't tell you just how happy we are that people have found success because of this and are making real income with it! That being said, we're doing something that we've never done before and probably won't do again...  We are knocking the price down of EOS almost in HALF!!I guess the thought behind this is to give EVERYONE the opportunity to enjoy the benefits of EOS. The one thing that we
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April 19, 2010
This past weekend, I made the trek back to the homeland - Chicago.   Now it's only about 110 miles from my place in Wisconsin to Chicago, but NO ONE can predict that God-awful Chicago traffic.... It took me about three hours to get back home - that sucked!!  But I noticed something rather interesting and it made me say, "huh?". As I'm sitting in bumper to bumper traffic, there was an older guy with raggedy clothes walking up and down the street.   He was selling water. I
I love motivational quotes, stories, etc.  They always seem to get me juiced up.  That being said, I read this one the other day and just wanted to share it - "People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily." ~ Zig Ziglar It's true though isn't it?  For those of you who are married or have a long-standing relationship with someone, you'll know that there is DEFINITELY a honeymoon stage right?  And after t
April 06, 2010
For a lot of people, Easter weekend was last week.  I took that time to get away from my computer for a little while.  It was AWESOME!  I checked some e-mails and some stats, but for the most part, I had two full days of no IM!  What was even better is that I NEEDED to get back to it today!!  That's a great sign for me. How many times did you take some time off from your job and just absolutely DREAD coming back to work?  The cool thing is that wasn't the case here.
So yesterday was April Fool's day, right?  Well I love being a little trickster, but this April Fool's day was pretty neat! The day before, I was talking to my wife about something that I can do to the guys at work.  So I came up with this -   Now that was an AWESOME JOKE!  Everyone believed me!!  (after all, I was a former thespian in High School!).  It was pretty liberating even though it was a joke to think that soon enough, it will be for real. This by far was
Today is just one those REALLY good days!!  And I don't mean in terms of sales, etc., but just one of those good days! It's 8:45a here in Cheese Land and it's already over 60 degrees!  Yeah, I need to go to work today, but I can take my motorcycle out which is always a beautiful thing! When I get home, my kids and I going to play some baseball in the backyard.  Today is my kid's last day of school before spring break, so they are all in a good mood!  Then we're off to see som
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Well Mike, if I knew then I wouldn't need to write this blog!! Do you know that strange feeling you get in your stomach when you're excited, nervous, scared, and anxious?  You know the one - you feel like you're going croak or vomit.  Maybe both... The last couple of weeks, I have allowed my mind to start wondering a bit.  OK, it wandered more than just "a bit".  I am Wisconsin and I think my mind was in Aruba or something.  That's alright though because it's f
with my STUPID prescription company, I realize just how important it is to ..... DO WHAT YOU ARE GOING TO SAY YOU ARE GOING TO DO! Doesn't that just TICK YOU OFF?  You talk to someone and they say that they are going to do something and it just doesn't happen?  I spent a week and a couple of hours on the phone between doctors, insurance companies, prescription companies, etc and FINALLY I got an answer - "Sorry, we can't help you." Gee thanks  This of course is AFT