It's Been a Couple of Days....

Last Update: October 19, 2009

...and I'm still here!  I had my first week of my new semester start so I spend all of Friday and Saturday doing school work.  Bummer - I wish I could spend that time writing articles or something! 

 Anyway, I mentioned before that I purchased potpie girl's OWM program and well, so far so good!  My first five lenses got indexed without a hitch in 24 hours.  3 of which are on Google's first page!  I will say that it took a lot of work to get 5 good lenses published in a day, but it's done.  

Today I got some articles written (5 to be exact) and that took a good 2 hours or so.  I wanted to get them submitted to at least 10 directories today, but I only got through Ezines.  Tomorrow morning I'll get some more posted.

 I'm tired and my eyes hurt from typing so much.  This is still difficult, but I'm at least understanding the flow of how to get stuff done.  Hopefully now the process itself will start to get easier - we'll see.

 Lastly, I still haven't made a sale.  It's rather discouraging - especially when you read about people making sales after just a couple of days.  I just keep thinking that I am just laying the ground work for something good to happen.

I guess only time will tell!  Anyway, I'm gonna call it a night.

 Until tomorrow....

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M-skeezy Premium
I was thinking of getting OWM. So it really helped you and showed you things not discussed here?
whlbizz Premium
Yes you just have to keep at it if you are not using a squeeze page
to capture your leads for a follow up it will take some time.
The squeeze page is priority the money is in the list.

Have a great one
You are doing well to have gotten that far in a couple of days. It can take months to get going and some take longer than that. However if you keep working at that rate you will succeed. It is just a matter of time.