Man, It's So Much Easier To Quit!

Last Update: December 16, 2009

It's true though, isn't it?  It would save me a lot of time and aggravation if I decided just to pack it in go on my merry way!  Sometimes I feel like that...

See I have noted a lot of my early successes throughout my 2+ months here at WA.  I envisioned me progressing, not regressing.  What happened here?  I'm getting plenty of traffic.  In two months of working Ezine and other article sites, I have over 4,000 clicks / hops.  It's kind of depressing.

Here's what I was told though.  THE HOLIDAYS JUST SUCK FOR INFORMATION PRODUCTS!  And it makes perfect sense.  A day before Thanksgiving (that's 11/26 for those not in the US), my sales just stopped.  I'm still getting traffic - just no sales.  But it makes perfect sense, doesn't it?  

Come the Holidays, everyone's focus is on Christmas gifts, not buying a guide to lose weight or to learn how to bowl a damn bowling ball!  That's actually reassuring a bit to know that it isn't necessarily what I'm doing more so than what the consumer is doing.

So what I did on one of my campaigns is I switched out my original product that I was promoting with a product that was $10 less.  We'll see if that helps.

And you know what, if it doesn't?  So what!  It doesn't mean that I'm going to quit.  At this point, I think I have invested too much time and effort to pack it in and go home.  For me, I view this as a time where the weak get weeded out from the strong. 

How much can I push myself to keep at it?  

How much can YOU push yourself to keep at it?

Yes, consistent work and no results sucks.  But you know what else sucks? 

  • Being stuck at a job knowing that you aren't going anywhere else

  • Knowing that you cannot provide for your family the way that you would like
  • Not knowing how you are going to pay for your kid's college 
  • Scrambling to make your mortgage payment each month

I'm tired of just being mediocre.  I'm tired of doing a hell of a job at work, but still making peanuts.  I know I can do this.

Believe in yourself.  Everyday, ask yourself the "why" question. 

"Why are you here" 

Remind yourself constantly.  

Now stop reading my rant and get back to work!!!!



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VictoriaNTC Premium
Is we quit, we will never taste the sweet success ;)
Quokka Premium
Great pep talk! You just kicked me back into action, cleaning the house can wait ;-)
Skybound Premium
Good positive talk, sox. I like it.
Isabelle Premium
THANK YOU for this little kick in the A**
idm Premium
Based on your blog posts we think a lot alike. You've got that do or die attitude about the whole thing, with the emphasis on "do." We're both waiting for our breakthrough. It's coming.