Last Update: January 06, 2010


In one of my previous blogs, I mentioned how I wanted to crank out 10-15 articles a day.  Do you remember that one?  Yeah, that was the one that I said I could get them done really quick, etc....

 Well, it's time to revise that!  Hot DAMN that's a lot of work!  Not that I am afraid of work or anything like that, but between work and my family, I haven't been able to come close to that!  I did however get five articles done today and I feel like I cannot even spell my name anymore!

You know what though, that's OK!  I was talking to someone the other day and have realized that since I've been with WA (10/5), there has not been ONE DAY that I haven't done anything.  Everyday, regardless of how small or large, I have done something with affiliate marketing.  I'm trying to think of the last time I was this dedicated to something (with my family being the exception of course)!

I did the math yesterday, and I have generated some MONSTER sales since I've started.  OK, that is a bit of an exaggeration, but I'm around the $80 per month range.  Hey, how can I complain with that?  Yes, I think that I am worth more than $1.25 per hour (that's what I figured I'm earning thus far), but this is a NEW LIFE that I'm building.  If I wanted to make more than that an hour right away, I would just go out and get a second job or something!

My point here is that I established a goal for myself that was just not realistic.  That's OK though!  It's a learning process.  There's nothing wrong with admitting defeat so long as re-focus and move on to a more attainable goal.

Sometimes I just LOVE being wrong!


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techhound Premium
I have been doing this internet marketing "stuff" for a while now. What I have learned is that one article that is of superior quality is worth about 1000 that are just rehashed from other articles already written. Don't get me wrong. I do use other articles as part of my research. But unless you can really add something to the conversation that is not just something as a rehash of what others have written, what's the point?

The more quality you can give to your readers the more they are going to want to follow you. That means, don't just produce articles or content just for the sake of producing content. That, for me, hasn't worked much. The greatest producing articles are the ones that I put the most effort in by researching, etc.

In other words, don't copy - produce! Give something unique and different to the world.
techhound Premium
GratefulAl Premium
I am impressed with your drive and your honest assessment.
Just remember to keep the large over-all goal written and you can always adjust the 'steps' in arriving there.

And always grab the positive, like the "Everyday, regardless of how small or large, I have done something with affiliate marketing."
Dargent Premium
NO! Once you set a goal it is SET IN STONE and you can never go back on it! haha

On a serious note, I am massively envious of your $80/month. I have yet to make my first sale so eighty seems like a massive number.

Good luck man!
JessicaL86 Premium
You're doing great. :) keep at it! I am working to get 100 sites up eventually and hope to make 2 - 5 bucks a day from each site =) I'm up to about 15 good sites so far. lol