Taking a Step Back

Last Update: January 04, 2010

I've taken a bit of time away from WA the last week and half or so as well as the time I've put into my campaigns.  With the holidays and such, not only was I extremely busy, but I was also just getting burnt out!

That doesn't mean however that I quit.  No, no, no ladies and gentleman!  I have not quit - just recharging the proverbial  battery.  I realized just how easy it is to write yourself into a rut and I need to be careful with that.  I've noticed too that during the holiday season EVERYTHING slows down.  You write, write and write some more, but no results.  I was losing time with my family in addition to not seeing the results to keep me going.

Now all that being said, the last couple of days have been very busy for me.  Yesterday I created my first two videos and changed up one of my websites.  I've also been working on my list as well.  I mentioned before, but thanks to Joe (JDPacero), I've managed to triple my list size in the last two weeks with his advice.

I did manage to get a sale the other day as well on something that I have spent NO TIME working on, so that was neat.  It just shows that everything we can do, regardless of how much time we spend on it, can pay off.

I have met a fantastic marketer as well during the last month and am truly blessed to have met him.  Being that we both started around the same time and have the same successful mindset, it is really a treat to be able to talk with him.  He's been keeping me motivated just through conversation.

That is the great thing about this place.  Sure some people may bit$% about the tutorials and the functionality of the site, but what about the networking and KNOWLEDGE that we pick up every day?  It is these things that make this $40/month membership PRICELESS!  Now for those of you who may be reading this and think that this site is crap, go back to square one and start over.  It takes some time to get used to it, yes.  But I myself didn't buy into this because of Site Rubix or Rapid Writer.  I bought into this because of the community and the knowledge here.

If you came here so you can build a free website, then you're missing the big picture here.

So anyhow, I'm here again.  Nothing's changed for me.  Failure sucks so I'll be sure NOT to fail!

Anyway folks, thanks for reading and we'll chat soon!

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idm Premium
I was experiencing a little burn out just after Christmas too. I'm slowing down a bit, but not stopping. It sounds like you're making good progress.