This Blogging Thing is Pretty Cool!

Last Update: October 17, 2009

So it's about 11p and I'm beat.  For those who care, I am a father to two small boys, 6 and almost 4 and they just suck the life right out of me!  It's great though, I wouldn't change it for the world.  Anyway, I'm also finishing up my last semester at school.  I'm 30 years old and decided to go back and get my BA.  I'll be done before Christmas.  YEAH!  So between a full-time profession, family man, and school, I'm left with very little time to really soak all of this stuff in.  I posted the other day that I'm a walking sponge that can't absorb another drop of water!

I thought I knew a lot about IM, but this is still proving to be an intense process.  I figured that because I knew a lot of this stuff, I would get some cool ideas and just start rocking and rolling.   Again, wrong.  All of the stuff that I know is just bits and pieces of the big picture.  Not to mention, I really wasn't ever taught anything.  It's what I "inferred" from all of those crap E-books that I've purchased. 

While WA is a refreshing change of pace, it's also nice to know that this learning how to make money online is truly the ONLY way to make it happen.  No one in their right mind is going to offer a million dollar solution for $47.  If they did, they're just as stupid as me buying the book!  So in essence, WA has given me some sort of closure in that I can look at those e-mails and just giggle.  The only one that's going to make me money is me.  Sorry gurus, I'm done!

All this being said, it doesn't solve my problem of information overload.  One of the first things I saw on here when I joined was PotPie Girl's resources.  After researching her, I saw A LOT of people speaking highly of her OWM course.  "Ah, disregard, it's just another e-book" .  That's what I told myself.  My problem is this - 

  • I made ten lenses on ten completely subjects
  • I have like 30 blog posts all over the place.
  • I wrote 15 articles total ranging from those ten different lenses
  • I then deleted all of my lenses because Google seemed to really screw up how they were indexed (very LONG story and I don't have the inclination to talk about it right now)!
  • I then created those same 10 lenses under all of the same tags, just another user name.  That was very dumb because it doesn't solve the actual indexing issue if I'm using the same damn url!  Way to go Mike!
  • Today I tried PPC and lost another $20.  Got 70 clicks though!  (still sucks)
  • I've posted more in the forum than I have done work for myself
  • Managed to piss my wife off because I'm virtually nonexistent. 

All of this has been done within this last week!  Pretty impressive screw up huh?  I'm impressed.

So what did I do????  The only logical thing - I bought Jennifer's e-book.  I kept hearing how it really helped to structure everything for people.  Lord knows I'm in desperate need of structure at the moment.  If I don't get some sort of organization, I'm going to quite and I just can't do that.

Times are really tough right now and I want to be able to keep my heat, electricity, cars, house, etc.  Another failure is simply not an option.  Period.

Anyway, I read through it and I'm really pleasanty surprised.   It really does structure the process for you.  The good news is I'm already done with day one because I've been researching for the last week.  I'm excited again.  It's pretty irritating looking at a FAT 0 in your CB account.  That's gotta change.  Hey, I'm  a smart guy - I can do this!

Well, that's all I got for you tonight.  Tomorrow is football and my Chicago Bears play at 7, so I'll probably not post tomorrow evening.  I'll try and be back tomorrow morning sometime.

Remember -

"I Will No Longer Accept Mediocrity as a Way of Life."  Mike Lynch



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dlastsoldier Premium
Hey Mike that was a pretty cool article . I liked it because t felt real when i read it and relate to you being a father and all and holding down a tight schedulewith family and. but u said it best failure is not an option. keep pushing mike .
dlastsoldier Premium
Hey Mike that was a pretty cool article . I liked it because t felt real when i read it and relate to you being a father and all and holding down a tight schedulewith family and. but u said it best failure is not an option. keep pushing mike .
dlastsoldier Premium
Hey Mike that was a pretty cool article . I liked it because t felt real when i read it and relate to you being a father and all and holding down a tight schedulewith family and. but u said it best failure is not an option. keep pushing mike .