Posts by Stadium 7
Ever wonder or interested in finding out? Take this quiz.
by the Ludwig von Mises Institute. This article is excerpted from Making Economic Sense (1995; 2007), chapter 20, "Government Medical 'Insurance.'"One of Ludwig von Mises's keenest insights was on the cumulative tendency of government intervention. The government, in its wisdom, perceives a problem (and Lord knows, there are always problems!). The government then intervenes to "solve" that problem. But lo and behold! instead of solving the initial problem, the intervention creates tw
Lew Rockwell provides a lot of great information on his blog."How can an otherwise sane individual become so enamored of a fantasy, an imposture, that even after it’s exposed in the bright light of day, he still clings to it – indeed, clings to it all the harder? No amount of logic can shatter a faith consciously based on a lie."~ Lamar Keene, a scam artist who posed as a psychic, describing why it was so easy to fleece people.Homo sapiens is a creature of habit. Most people have a s
June 02, 2012
I am not really into writing tutorials so this will be short. Are you promoting a physical product? Are you trying to make money from this product by being an amazon affiliate. Do you not know what to write about this product?Having pages and pages of content related to your product is a good part of the battle to getting to page 1 in Google. But what do you write? How do you produce pages and pages of content?1. Go to amazon and read on your product the reviews. You can easily find different po
April 14, 2012
I have been looking through the apps and extensions that Google Chrome offers.  I have found many useless but I found one today that might make your day a little easier.   It is called "SEO SERP", goto the Google web store and search that term and it will show up as an extension and be place as a small icon in the upper right . It will appear as a red and blue arrow, one up and one pointing down.   What does this extension do?  Well, I think it has a few f
April 10, 2012
In 1996 I started training in Jiu-Jitsu... In 1997 I went to the Pan-Am games, I didn't do to well but the guy teaching me won his class. A guy name Saulo Ribeirio came up to us and we talked. Didn't know who he was. Soon I found out he was 6 or 7 time world jiu-jitsu champion at that time. He wasn't a big guy, he didn't look overly strong. But I was just a beginner then, I under-estimated the power of the human brain, the power of learning, the power of determination... My
April 10, 2012
Not sure if anyone uses this I found this as a chrome extension. Details are in the video and in the written description. Sorry had to leave a link to youtube, couldn't figure out how to put video here.       Enhance your blog with Zemanta for Google Chrome (built on WebMynd) Zemanta improves your regular blogging dashboard. It recommends images, links, articles and tags while you write. It allows you to enrich