Finding content

Last Update: June 02, 2012
I am not really into writing tutorials so this will be short.

Are you promoting a physical product? Are you trying to make money from this product by being an amazon affiliate. Do you not know what to write about this product?

Having pages and pages of content related to your product is a good part of the battle to getting to page 1 in Google.

But what do you write? How do you produce pages and pages of content?

1. Go to amazon and read on your product the reviews. You can easily find different positives and negatives to write about.

2. This is what I have been doing more and more, say you are promoting HDTV. Just search Google for HDTV manual, or HDTV pdf, or HDTV vizio manual so on and so on. Creatr a of section to your website. Look for trouble shooting content in the search results you find and re-write them and add them to your site.

This trouble shooting content you add might attract customers who already have the product but the content will also help you rank for your KW.
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jonart Premium
Fun chatting with you Stadium....learned a lot about bats and swans :) Read this tutorial.....interesting info, thanks.
stadium Premium
If you can rank for a product name, I may be mistaken but I think a person entering a product name into a search is many times looking to buy that product so you really don't necessarily need to rank for pay or paid or buy
slayton1s Premium
Yeah true. I guest it's whatever floats your boat. I typically just like to go after the weak keywords & built myself up over time. I might attempt on tackling a medium competition keyword & try to do something fancy with it, but you get the point. Screw the high competition ones. I think the main thing is to just provide relevant information that people need to do. Perhaps you could even put Adsense units on the information part of your site within the pages, and then put up products. Just try not to annoy people with adsense all over the place or slow down your website, which would in turn slow down your site.

Then for talking about positives and negatives, I think that's highly important. If you sound lop sided or very salesy, people not going to want to buy from your site. They'll think you're another weirdo trying to scam them out of there money. ;) If people see you are willing to talk about a few negatives to a certain product, they'll be more willing to hand over the money since that'll create an atmosphere of understanding rather than trying to "grab and take".

Like for example: I advertise a certain product & I talk to them how great it is, then I simply put the affiliate link. Well, how much does the product cost? If they visit the site & find out it's like $300 without knowing in advance, I know I'd be like WOW and then probably leave. I like to know about something 1st before I go somewhere. I don't like to see surprises or things I wasn't prepared for.

Good advice.
stadium Premium
"pay for", I never thought of. Thanks. But as for "Paid", I think "buy" trumps that but I almost know absolutely nothing. But the reason of my post, which you may or may not have overlooked. If most people starting out in this are anything like I was, I found a niche and then I had no idea what to really write about. Also, all your content doesn't need to be centered around buying or paying. Not saying yours is. The more deep your site is with content, the less you will need to rely on external backlinks to improve rankings. I can search for a pdf for a product manual and write many pages. And my information is accurate, straight from the company. Also the more content yo have, the less you will be effected when Google changes it algorithm. It may take longer to rank this way, but I feel once you are on the first page you will experience less negative effects to algorithm changes.
slayton1s Premium
I usually look for keywords that have "paid" or "pay for" in it. I know you want to tackle the keywords that indicate paying for the product 1st.