Posts by Taku123 18
Had a great weekend up on the mountain in Girdwood, Alaska. The weather was great and I was able to enjoy some time with my friends and family skiiing. This all took place while my campaigns were running. I love making money and not having to be sitting in front of the computer to do it. This March is now my 3rd $1000 month. I still can't believe it but it is possible. I am so, so happy and really look forward to increasing my business and spending more time with the family. I mean what better
March 05, 2011
You know, I love Alaska! i mean I never thought I would end up living here after growing up in Florida. Well let me tell you, today was a fantastic snowmachine ride. i mean the temperature was great and the sun was out. The snow was fantastic. The scenery beautiful. Mt. McKinley in the back ground on one photo. This was fantastic. The best part was I was making money while riding! We head out for the Iditarod sled dog race tomorrow. Can't wait!   Mt McKinley in the background The who
Ok, February was another $1000 month for me. It is my first since November but that is ok! I am super excited and am looking forward to another. Every day is a new day and every day gets a little easier. I mean I have come along way since I joined the Wealthy Affiliate last Feb. It has been a year and what a year it has been. For every one looking to make it online, it is possible. You have to find what works for you. I am still plugging away at my day job but that is ok. I mean $1000 a month e
January 07, 2011
First off let me say Happy New Year to everyone. Whew, what a year 2010 was. I cannot believe how far I have come in the Internet Marketing world since February of last year. I am still plugging away trying to make more money and earn my way to freedom from the day job. The holidays really took a toll on me seeing that I was not near as diligent as I was in Oct. and Nov. and it showed in my profits. I went from making over $1000 in Nov. down to only $200 in Dec. The positive is that it was still
November 06, 2010
Well so, I really appreciate all the congratulations I have received, I honestly was shocked myself when it happened, but guess what yesterday the 5th of Nov. I only made $11 still a profit but hey, you can't always score a touchdown, sometimes fields goals are good too! :-)  I am learning everyday, and I hope that all the "newbies" here understand that I am still a "newbie" too. I just started Internet Marketing in Feb of this year. It took a lot of persistence and dedi
October 31, 2010
Well today Oct 31st 2010 is officially my first $100 day. I made $106.25 for Halloween. I have been making about $80-$100 a week for awhile but today was the first $100 day. I am so stoked. Talk about re-energizing my motivation. I know it can be done. Right now I am taking the 30 day article marketing club an I hope to add more revenue to my paypal accounts. This is all thanks to the wonderful people here at WA. I mean the information I have received here enabled me to accomplish this goal. Soo
October 26, 2010
The next 30 days are going to be a true test to my future in IM. I have already readied the wife and kissed my son. I let them know I may be absent a few days before and after work getting this project moving.  I am excited to say the least and have nothing but complete trust in Marcus and this project. We will all be better off after the lessons are done  and we are making head way. Please help to keep me check while all this is going on. I am so involved with so much that I really ne
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Well unfortunately my time is up here in Victoria. It was a fantastic but ever so short vacation for my family and I. I am so proud of my son for hanging in there. At 5-1/2 months he did a fantastic job of traveling.  I would like to give a big thank you to Jay "Magistudios"  for taking the time to visit with me by phone last night. Our schedules did not match so we did not get to meet up here in Victoria but the 40 minute conversation last night definitely was a huge help an
August 24, 2010
I made it to Vancouver BC yesterday but unfortunately my time will be up tomorrow when we leave for Victoria. I am excited and sad that my wife and I could not have a longer holiday but I will take what I can get. I have not seen Kyle and Carson yet but I keep looking out for them while we are walking around or riding the Canada Line.  I am looking forward to our ferry ride over to Victoria and spending 2 days there. We decided that when our son is older we will come back and spend a little
July 07, 2010
Ok, It seems being a new parent can really keep you from getting as much work done as you like. I have had the hardest time getting back to the computer and getting to work, this past week and a half. I had the 4th of July holiday here and needed to spend some time with the family. Today I am back on track. I received my new iMac last night and set it up. Wow, I love not staring down at my laptop anymore and having a big beautiful screen to look at. It is back to writing articles and promoting m