First $100 Day!

Last Update: October 31, 2010

Well today Oct 31st 2010 is officially my first $100 day. I made $106.25 for Halloween. I have been making about $80-$100 a week for awhile but today was the first $100 day. I am so stoked. Talk about re-energizing my motivation. I know it can be done. Right now I am taking the 30 day article marketing club an I hope to add more revenue to my paypal accounts. This is all thanks to the wonderful people here at WA. I mean the information I have received here enabled me to accomplish this goal. Soon it will be $500 a day and then $1000 a day. Who knows? The sky's the limit. Take action and keep those wheels turning. If I can do it I know everyone else can too!

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mmorales Premium
Nice work, rinse and repeat (:
prinker Premium
Congratulations! That is great news!
sherbet penny Premium
Great stuff mate
Kathy389 Premium
andys43us Premium
That's awesome. Congrats!!