10.4% click rate no purchase

Last Update: March 07, 2010

Ok, so I have193 views and a 10.4% url click rate on my 2 articles on EzineArticles but no purchase yet. Is there a set rule at almost 200 views and nobody purchasing, I mean why would that be, I have another article in waiting? Do I need more? I only have time to write about one every 3 -4 days. I will post more articles but just wondered if this is normal.

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taku123 Premium
Thank you for all the info, I am beginning to understand paitence is key and i am willing to wait. As for articles i will get more out as fast as I can. Thanks again.
Johnny W Premium
I have about like 8 articles in ezine, and the CTR is about 9%, I got two sales through clickbank, and the conversion rate is like 1:30. However, after these two sales, no more purchases, so probably need to work on more articles as well to increase the visiting traffic. Cheers!!
diggo Premium
Dude, you have only had 20 clicks. Most products convert around 1:100, so you might be waiting a long time for a sale. You definitely need heaps more articles, aim for 50-100.

Come back when you have at least 500 clicks. If you havn't had a sale by then, then you can start to worry. Until then, you have nothing to worry about.
magistudio Premium Plus
One of the best pieces of advice that was given to me (from Carson) was to not look up and check your sales stats. Keep adding articles to your arsenal and when you have reached 100 articles, then take a look.
I know it's hard, but I'm sure you can do it.