But my mind wanders....

Last Update: December 01, 2010

I am trying to stay focused and just work on a few projects and get the sites built up like Marcus said to do in the Club,  but My mind wanders..... Too many emails from too many people pretending to give you free advice and really selling you the next and greatest thing  OR a bunch of pre-launch blather----  I've been at this too long, I can see through it all now.  I started just deleting without reading all but two people, just to keep my head sane.

I am great at organizing, I have spreadsheets set up and am organizing all my writing so I can see what I have used and what is just sitting there waiting to be used...... I THOUGHT I had a system going as I was writing  -- but you know how that  goes:)    

But I fall apart, still after all this time on the little things. 

  • Like KW  do I use a bunch of different ones to send to the pages I am building ? 
  • How often do I use the same ones? 

And I feel like a two year old whining "Why do I have to?" when it comes to backlinking forums, blogs, profiles and making YouTubes  Sheesh  so I am still bad at that.

I have high hopes for Magistudios webinar on Friday!

I am going to zone in on the WA blog site from the 30 day club for the next few weeks and see if I can double the content  drip feeding like they showed us.

Bigman told me about a social bookmark plug in  OnlyWire  that might streamline some of that!

OK back to work!

The Sue


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jatdebeaune Premium
I also get hung up on all the details. I naturally like broad bold strokes, but this business is full of smaller details that can make a lot of difference in your bottom line. I guess you get used to it. Email offers are part of the business too, but you have to be ruthless or they'll take you over.