January 2012 Back On Track

Last Update: January 03, 2012

I did not realize it has been so long since I blogged on WA!  One of the first suggestions Kyle and Carson had in their original training for newbies was to use the blog as a way to organizes yourself and prioritize and make goals.  So that is what I have done and it works well.  So here I go getting back on track.

What 2011 did for me

  1. First and foremost is family and our daughter got married last November.  It was a wonderful wedding with family and friends, so that could be why WA was on the back burner..... hmmmm
  2. Second family first is my hubby has Parkinsons's do (early stages) so we do what we can now, and do what we can to keep him active.  This is my whole motivation for being in IM so I can work from home and adjust my schedule around his retirement.  (He's retired I have a ways to go !)
  3. I got a job with one of the vendors I was promoting to help her keep her blogs updated and everything I put on there has my affiliate codes.  I realized I know more than she does about linking!
  4. Through WA I found an outlet to make actual money with being an affiliate through a legitimate  ticket broker . I use many of the skills I learned here  and can earn income while learning and building up other things in the business.
  5. I continue to work for another WA member on his research team.
  6. I enjoy all the WAbinars, even though most I do not watch live...Friday nights are bad for me-- but I pick up new tidbits each time.

My goals for 2012... what do I need to master.....

  1. I need to learn PPC  ugh  I hear all the horror stories about accounts being shut down forever and so I stay away.   But it is an art that I can see has value, especially for KW search pages with no ads already.......
  2. I need to figure out what and how to outsource the techno stuff I get but hate on the blogs, and doing things with backlinking that take up so much time.
  3. I need to outsource someone who will help me with tracking stats.  You techy guys like that, I just don't have the time to figure it all out, but I DO know now how important it is.
  4. I want to get three or four great niche sights going that can contribute to a multiple streams (pretty sure the outsourcing will need to figure in here, too)
  5. I need to learn how to make my own videos and get power points with me reading them on You Tube.
  6. and the Big one, I want to start the whole reason I got started doing this to begin with, and get an education sight going with a combination of affiliate sites and my own product.  I have 35 years of stuff in my head for multisensory teaching kids with language learning issues..... I need to get it on paper and out there!

I am a natural teacher and was good at that career, so I should be able to make better use of those skills here.  Each time I log on, I try to answer 5 questions on the blog from the ones with no responses.  They want us to create more training-- it seems everything is already there, but I know I can simplify some of the things are out there, so i will  keep my eyes open for good topics. 

Happy New Year to all.....

The Sue


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Glad to discover you! I am working on getting around the New WA and happened to land here. Looking forward to exploring your sharing and caring. I love to learn new teaching materials. Sherry M