My Mother Visited

Last Update: July 21, 2010

I yearn for the day I do not forget things when I have to take a break!

My84 year old mother was visiting the past two week, and of course I got nothing done in IM! I did manage to get on the forum once or twice, but I could not concentrate enough to work on things hit and miss.  It made me yearn for the day when I have things set up that they mainly need daily maintenance and not my full attention.  Then taking a week or two off will not matter!

I have three pots on the fire so to speak, and although I was being very good and sharing the time, 2 hours a day for each before, I am getting back into things just one pot at a time.  I also yearn for the day when I do not forget things I just learned when I take a break.

I have a huge list of emails on my business gmail account of offers,  touch base you know all the things you get from aweber when you sign up for something.  I yearn for the day when they will not be as important to read.

I have not touched my WA blog for over 3 weeks, but I see 3 people visited it today, so I guess I better do some more work on it and start building it up. I yearn for the day when I make at least one WA sale, the 300 seems unachievable.  Hopefully one of those people will start the Mad Marketing course....



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