New Website More Complicated This Time

Last Update: November 10, 2009

This week I am working on a more complicated website for the Extra Retirement Income campaign. When I started I realized there was information I needed to gather and get a better hold of, so that is what I have been doing these days.  I hope to have it finished by Friday.

Never ending stream--I also need to write some articles and fresh blog posts this week

 I yearn for the day when this is all a well oiled machine, with me knowing what in the world I am doing so I can create a  clear schedule of what to do on which days---

Every time I turn around there are more interesting tutorials available, and I have to hold back, if I spend all my time reading and not enough doing... I will be well educated but have no income!

I still cannot figure out why the math campaign only has two sales when it is a high converting product and in the top 20 and several of my keywords have high result listing.  I am doing something wrong and it must be in the content.. but not that kind of help on WA for free anyway.

Once I get this website done, I will try a new campaign  go through the whole process again with a different product and see how fast I can be now that I have done it twice.



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Ruggero Premium
Don't get caught by "analysis paralysis!" Action is most important, the rest will come later. As for the non-conversions, you may be surprised! Many people post their website in the forum for other WAers to critique. Have you checked out your website's traffic reports?