Now What?

Last Update: September 30, 2009

I checked on Google to see if my Make Math Fun articles that were published were there or my Squidoo site  or my website and gave up after 10 pages.  I used the key words that were suggested in the cb-analytics and by the vendor.

I did a " " search and of course there are a million or results so I am using the wrong key words apparently---

My articles are all based on questions I found in forums--

So now I do not know what to do

I cannot go back and change any key words in my published works, and wait another three weeks for approval--the 100 article challenge is slowing them way down and messing me up

I can't go in to the website and add the holiday links the vendor offers since no one will be able to find it

so I have done something wrong

My website is a .info that might be the problem, but I was following the plan as suggested by Pot Pie that you earn some $$ first, then buy the more expensive things.

This is where I am today--- discouraged




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Shawn Martin Premium
Good luck with this., Take Jay up on his offer and let us all know how this turns out!
DABK Premium
I'm with magistudious. Need the urls to help.

By the way, squidoo is not your only free option., 100% free, can be set up in a matter of minutes (basic). If you did, indeed, messed up on keywords, you'd have to redo keyword research.

When basing articles on questions you find in forums, you still need keyword research... Usually, you can answer a question using several keywords, one or more can be easy.

But first url, please.
You have already done the first thing you needed to do and that is let people know what your problem is. I see you already have a comment from magistudios. follow up with him. Hang in, you can do it
magistudio Premium Plus
Hey there - I can understand your frustration.. What is your domain name? I can help, but need this info first.