Should I or Shouldn't I Stay For Year 2?

Last Update: May 29, 2010

Originally my criteria for WA membership renewal was that I had to make enough money in IM to cover my initial yearly cost, and enough for the full cost of the second year.  If I did that I would stay.   I met that goal, finally... in March. But My second goal was to be able to make a decent part time retirement income. I was thinking between a minimum $1000/month  and if I was lucky $2000/month.(I was not foolish enough to believe all that $10k a month blather)I am SOO NOT THERE!

I could make a list a mile long of all the things I have learned here at WA, it has been amazing, I have one thing left to learn and that is email marketing, "the list".  For some reason I did not get one of those resources for free when I joined, so I have to work the List stuff on my own. Anyway I have just enough time left to devour those tutorials.

To be clear, the question is NOT whether to stick with IM- I am determined to be part of the 10% that do make it, and I have the know-how now to make it happen. The question is can I do with without WA?

Should I? Reasons to STAY

  1. Hands down The Forum 
  2. The possibility of improved hosting and the ability to easily, without glitches and many emails to my Buddy Welshy, use WordPress at WA.
    1. This is the #1 thing that has been holding me back in my IM progress.  I do not want to pay for hosting outside of WA just to use Wordpress, if I can use it here. It is currently a limbo situation for me and has been for several months, as I hear rumors there is something better coming, but am not "WA worthy" enough to be a beta tester.
  3. WA jobs. I have made more money writing for WA members than in IM. But... writing does not pay well.   Less, MUCH less, than minimum wage. For a teacher with a Masters Degree, and who actually taught middle school writing? 
  4. To use my teaching and curriculum writing strengths and pay it forward, help other newer members.  I know how to break the complicated to simple steps, so can write some tutorials on the subjects that I found most confusing.
  5. I have a decent member ranking, so I must be getting some benefits
  6. The absolute confidence that what Kyle and Carson are promoting is for educational benefit, they want honest marketers, with honest, no holding back , information. 
    1. You never run into the situation with anything they write or promote that half way through, you realize this training is really a sales job for something else, and you cannot get the full story unless you buy the product.  Not with WA training.


Shouldn't I? Reasons NOT to stay

  1. The  "carrot" of 1-1 coaching was a pipe dream.  Carson and Kyle are way to busy, and other members won't do it because they charge  high fees for this sort of thing.  WA buddies can work well, but would have been nice to get some coaching so I knew/know what I was/am doing wrong.
  2. The resources are cumbersome.  Could I get the same things outside of WA for the same cost?
    1. I already had to go by a rewriter software as there were simply not enough directions on how to use Rapid Rewriter.
  3. I possibly have enough private contacts from WA members built up via email, I might  be able to use them for questions so would not need the forum.
  4. I getting plenty of emails from newsletters I signed up with a products I bought that I have to decide if it is the same quality as WA.  Like MicroNiche Finder and PPG( I am guessing she would suggest staying lol)
  5. They say the average length of stay is 3-6 months, I have been here 11 months, do I have enough tools to do it on my own?
  6. I sometimes spend way to much time clicking here and there on WA and the forum, that I should have been using to take action.  Like right now!!!!

 Just a word about the price increase--

My thoughts about it, are on the forum post already---

Not an issue for my decision except that I had hoped to start promoting WA, since I was  taking the high road and waiting until I could share personal success with the training.  My mentor, Eddy, who I signed up with, gave me that advice and I agreed.  Still can work, just may not be as easy.

So... I have some serious reflecting to do in the next 5 weeks.  I just wish I knew WHAT the system and resource  updates are going to be and WHEN they are expected!

Actually Kyle and Carson should hire me!  Let me go through and clean up/archive all the old forum posts, old outdated job postings,  write summaries of the member tutorials and more importantly edit, rewrite for Clarity and reorganize some of the tutorials,










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MaggieJo1 Premium
I am so impressed with your method of breaking down reasons to stay and/or go. I have enjoyed reading and have benifited from many of your on that alone I would love to see you stay...but also totally understand if you make the decision to go elsewhere....I of course am just starting this journey....but I too have set some goals that I must meet in order to continue with WA. As for your comment about Kyle & Carson hiring you to cleam up the the old forum posts...I totally agree..I think they should hire is somewhat frustrating to go through the forums and see old and somewhat outdated posts...Maybe we should start a campaign to have them hire you. I know you have a major decision to make...and I wish you the best in whatever you decide...I really hope you make it in IM and with your attitude and strenghs I am sure that you will...
maureenhannan Premium
Well, you certainly have done some careful thinking about this. Seems like you have a realistic and balanced view. I personally hope you stick around, because you seem cool and you're a good writer. (I agree with you about the terrible pay, by the way. A crying shame.) Good luck, whatever you decide. ~ Maureen