Trying to Create a BAcklink Sequence

Last Update: September 07, 2010

I have read everything there is to read and then some on Backlinks.  Everything is ALWAYS explained by category   Articles,bookmarking, forums etc.   But when  you DO it, you need to do a little of this and a little of that and build it all up together----

So I have this idea of creating a document that I will put into an excel file one day with a numbered list  and the anchor links to the places  I need to go in the order I should do it.

So I would do it somethihng like this

  1. 3 articles 3 kw to ezine
  2. FeedAGe
  3. Digg
  4. go article
  5. article dashboard
  6. article base
  7. make Squidoo line to 3 kw on site  
  8. bookmark something  I never know how that works
  9. Tweet about it
  10. etc

Then all I have to do is go down the list  click ont eh links and check it off as I do it  for each campaign.

Does this sound like a plan?

Has it already been done?


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