WA is like teqaching a kid to read!
On Friday, once I was able to get Firefox dowloaded, I created a tutorial on here for newbies. Basically it is using color coded 4x6 cards to take notes, and pretend you are back in high school doing a research paper. I am trying to be helpful by using my learning differences backgroundand apply it to WA. Teaching kids to read, spell, grammar and write a decent paragraph is just like learning Internet Marketing!
Hard to believe, but you take a task, that has a gazillion pieces to it, all changing and adapting to each new student (campaign or product) and you can get overwhelmed. What you have to do is first teach a simple basic way to do it, and follow it religiously. In teaching a child to read that is a sequence of skill, a specific lesson plan/ and basic procedures to follow within a prescribed lesson plan. What "Pot Pie" does with her Mind Eraser for instance follows that same principal. A sequence, some basic steps and procedures to follow.
You follow that plan exactly, then add to it as you answer questions. Each new studetns, as each new campaign will have its own unique tweaking, so as you move along, you get the hang of it, and then become a whiz kid.
I can't wait to be a whiz kid!
But alas I am still ranked 3275 who will want to listen to me? LOL