Posts by Urn357 2
There has been a lot of craziness going on past couple days with people complaining about their sites disappearing from their normal keyword search results. I bet I've replied to 4 or 5 people about it already and said the exact same thing to all so figured I would just write a quick post about it. The main point and thing I've said, as probably most of you know now since the sites seemed to have magically appeared again for everyone I've heard from so far, is don't panic! Th
I just started hardcore trying to make some money online by promoting a popular product about a month or so ago (maybe a dumb move picking a popular product, but we'll see.)  I've been doing free SEO techniques (pretty much backlinking, backlinking, backlinking) by either article submissions or social bookmark sites.  Anyway, my website is finally on the 1st page of google about number 6 or 7 I think for my main keyword phrase and thats a huge accomplishment for me in itself.  No