Lesson To Learn: If your site disappears from Google don't panic!

Last Update: April 18, 2012

There has been a lot of craziness going on past couple days with people complaining about their sites disappearing from their normal keyword search results. I bet I've replied to 4 or 5 people about it already and said the exact same thing to all so figured I would just write a quick post about it. The main point and thing I've said, as probably most of you know now since the sites seemed to have magically appeared again for everyone I've heard from so far, is don't panic!

This has happened to me over the past year or so on almost every site I have created. The site disappears, but still is indexed, but nowhere to be found for the key phrases like normal. Then all of a sudden a few days later it is back just like it was and where it was. (one of my sites disappeared for about 3 weeks like this and came back all of a sudden. You can imagine I was really getting concerned about it, but again all was good)

Anyway, its not a sandbox, it's not a penalty, who knows what it is!!! besides Google doing its normal crazy things. The crazy thing is.....is it happened to so many of us all at the same time which is new to me and it also happened to 4 of my 6 sites all at the same time which has never happened before and as of yesterday they are all back and fine in the same spots on page 1 like they were. Sometimes my sites even came back at higher position/ranking than they were prior! Lol so you might be cursing Google when it happens, but loving them when your site comes back.

Hope everyone else's sites came back ok and if it happens again you'll know it's more than likely just Google being Google.

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abay Premium
True story! This is happening to one of my sites at the moment but everything I read mentions that they all come back...eventually. Mine's been gone for a few weeks now but still indexed, hopefully not too long now!
urn357 Premium
yeah it'll pop back up as you said...eventually. It has always happened to me on newer sites and every now and then sites that are over a year old.
Viterbi Premium
Hello, same here!

My sites are back again and in some cases in better rankings than before.
Message of the day: Don't PANIC!! And don't rush in doing something that WILL actually hurt your site!

jdonn Premium
Same thing happened to me. Now, at least one page of the site is on page one of google. NOW, WOULD YOU LIKE TO LAUGH? At the time I was setting up this new site, I couldn't decide on the domain name (ended up buying two, one short and one longer version). The one I didn't use is on page 1, position 1 of google for kw. with ABSOLUTELY NO CONTENT!! I removed the site from WA hosting and It's STILL on page1, position 1.
urn357 Premium
yeah i've seen crazy thing like that happen for example a privacy policy page popping up high on the rankings. This happened to me on one of my sites. That is exactly the Google craziness I'm talking about. You just never know. The algo does so many different things and changes so many things that I don't even think Google knows what all it does sometimes lol