Show Me The Blueprint For Self Discipline! I'll Show You A Winner

Last Update: March 01, 2011


Turn yourself onto the blueprint of self discipline that will turn you into a winner.

Blueprint  # 1

Master Your Habits. 

Did you know controlling bad habits opens the door to save time? A winner is any person with a strange sense of self-control. Losers exercise very little control. High achievers in life have one common denominator,they have mastered their habits. 

Low achievers in life fail because of lack of self discipline. Choosing the past of least resistance, for low achievers means they will not work on the hard things in life like change and control me. 

Do you know productive, successful people? Are they highly disciplined people? Now think carefully how many do YOU KNOW who are "highly disciplined?"

This is a question worth examining. The results could be very revealing for yourself, and where you are in life today.

Delayed Gratification

This is one of societies present day problems. People are drawn to lets have now, pay later, play now, the future will take care of itself. It takes hard core self discipline to delay the reward, or the pleasure phase, or work on problems now.

The going get tough sometimes down right dirty and it could mean blood sweat and tears. But what you for go now you will reap the victory and huge success in due time. This is one of the most powerful blueprints you can copy on your way to being a winner in the life of your choice. 

Blueprint # 2

Make A List Of All The Habits You Want To Lose In The Next 2 Years

All of us struggle and have struggled with habits we know we should stop doing. We criticize our selves for postponing things we want to change. 

Listen Up! The psycological cost of living in the "Self Discipline" wasteland is far to devastating to stay there. 

You know what needs to be changed. Perhaps you have some of the following hindrances holding you back. Are you familiar with procrastination, lack of motivation, no initiative, no plan, and what ever else may be cluttering your life? Today Is The Time To Change All Of It Now.

Blueprint # 3

Six Step Process For Developing Discipline In Your Life.

Step 1

Identify one habit or area you would like to become disciplined in. Take a worksheet, and confine one worksheet for one specific issue or behaviour. Work on ONE issue at a time. Work through the 6 step process for each issue. 

Step 2

Find Role Models. 

Ask yourself "who is doing this right?"  These role models can be authors, successful people, anyone who you know had to have control of the issue you are working on. There story will be an inspiration for you to do what it takes to over come your problem..

Step 3

List The Benefits Of Becoming Self Disciplined In This Area.

Ask yourself "whats in it for me?" Consider why you want to develop in this area. When you make your list, indulge in feel, smell,taste, see and touch exactly what it will be once you are strong in this area. 

This step helps you focus on the benefits of becoming disciplined in this area. Then consider listing the "Pain" (what life will be like ) by not becoming disciplined here. 

Step 4

Watch The Danger Zones

You need to consider the danger zones with the new you. In the journey of becoming more disciplined you will be tempted to fall off the wagon, led astray, perhaps procrastinate. List all the potential times situations and areas that may cause you to fall, and then list how you will handle it. By acknowledging it, you can plan on how to handle it. 

Step 5

Use Advanced Decision Making. (refer to Genetic Code # 1 )

Success in life means, you need to consider in advance , how you will live your life. Referring back to Step 1 , you will need to think in advance on the actions you will need to take to accomplish your goal. 

For example if are working on getting fit and the goal is to get up an hour earlier in the morning to exercise. You decide in advance you will do this. Trust me when that electric rooster blasts off at 6:00 a.m. you may not feel like exercising. 
Here's the things, you have all ready decided in advance how you will live your life. You will get up because you know the investment is worth it. You are not depending on if you feel like it. This works in all changes in your life that you may be working on. 

Step 6

Enroll A Support Team

This step  is by far the most important step, absolutely crucial!  This step will literally change your life. Here is the step where you will enlist the assistance of someone you respect and trust to help you become disciplined in  your area. 

Find someone who is strong enough and supportive to hold you accountable to the actions and decisions you have listed on your worksheet. 

If you miss this step you will cheat yourself of the power behind this system. Step 6 is vital for you to finally become the empowered self disciplined person you know you can and should be.

Attitude of Gratitude


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