Tradegy In A Blink Of An Eye

Last Update: April 14, 2011

The past 3 weeks have been a blur of disbelief and fog as I try to

navigate the waves of loss from the sudden death of my husband.

Today is the first day I have ventured back to the WAU community,

It is here that I that I believe I can find the help and support I will need to

find the financial success that will be my sole income in the year ahead.


Gods un failing love is the substance of human spirit at this time. I will be back

within contributing to the community before long. I am asking for prayer for healing

clarity of mind to continue to learn, and move forward to embracing life and the 

opportunity and goodness that is a choice given to all of us.

Remember to say I love you to someone everyday that you breathe.



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burntout Premium
"To everything, there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven." Find strenghth. May love fill the void. My thoughts join with all the others in this time of great loss. Find peace.
Pounders Premium
I am so sorry for your loss. Your family will certainly be in my prayers. I lost my sister almost a year ago-whom after our mom died, became my mom. Even though she was occ. sick, it was still soooo unexpected! I could say that "time heals all wounds", but I wont! Time just only makes it bearable for "you" to continue to live everyday! Its important to grieve though. Let me know if I can help in any way!
MommyofThree Premium
My condolences go out to on your loss. My prayers are with you and I pray that God gives you the strength that you need to carry on and move forward. I always like to think of all of us here at WA as a family so don't ever be afraid to ask if you need something. God Bless!
Sherion Premium
That sucks. I hate that. I am so sorry for your loss. I don't know why some things happen. I will keep you in my prayers and be sure you have loved ones around you. That was the only thing that helped me when death knocked on my door. If you just need someone to talk to let me know and we can chat away or something. Best Wishes To You.
Jamie Smith Premium
Sending blessings and a BIG hug as we speak Wandah. So sorry to hear about your loss! Please feel free to send me a PM if you need any help with your marketing, myself and many other cool people around the world have your back.