Last Update: January 12, 2011

If You're New To WA and

Wondering If you Can Do It.


 I haven't been blogging much lately but I thought I would put in a good word for Wealthy Affiliates people especially the newer members to WA.

I had been struggling with all of the tons of information on the internet on how to make money and market.  How to find niches, how to blog and didn't even understand or know about article marketing.

If the newbies keep on track, make a plan, follow the training and especially I have to mention potpiegirls videos and also a big thanks to Jay (magistudios) for his step by step webinars they will learn and start to make money on line.

I see lots of people saying If I can so can you.  Well I'm no young internet guy that can put all this stuff together right quickly like they can.

It's because of people like Jay and potpiegirls and all the others that reach out to help that will get you excited enough to put it together for yourself.

Thanks to Jays (magistudios) last two webinars I now think I can put a good blog together and get it marketed properly to start creating an income.

So, for all the newbies out there like I said, stay focused, do the training, keep an eye out for any new webinars here at WA and make a plan with goals on what you want to do.

I see the new people coming on board with backgrounds from pipfitting to homemakeing and everything in between.

All you have to do is look within your self for hundreds of exciting ideas to market on line.

The best products are those that you have a special interest in.

If you are a scuba diver, like fishing, fashions or what ever, then that's where to find that special product that you want to start with.

Everything else will follow. 

Remember, if you have something special that you can offer the rest of the world like then you can write an ebook about it also and sell that too.

Just a tip.

Anyway, the best to all who have come aboard recently.


Bill (webkab) 

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Mari JO Premium
Hi Bill ... wish I could spend more time socializing and in forums because I am extremely sociable and love to chat, but right now all my spare time is spent on learning. I have listened to a couple of Jay's webinars and LOVE THEM! Potpiegirl's information is also WONDERFUL! I laugh when you refer to the "younger crowd" because I share your feelings, having 3 tech savvy daughters that put me to shame...but I will keep on truckin...however long it takes me. Thank you for this encouragement and thank you also to every single one of you in this community that unselfishly help us all :)
Meadow Breeze Premium
Thanks Bill, for the inspirational story. Hope you will be a buddy of mine at WAU! Hope we can share some ideas as we grow!
rocktivity Premium
Thank you so much--you more "adult" WA-ers are just what we younger ones need to get who have been whining about not achieving overnight wealth and put a boot in our backsides! Here's some gold!
Hazie Premium

These are really good points. Appreciate your comments and insights. Good luck with your new site.
Hazie Premium

These are really good points. Appreciate your comments and insights. Good luck with your new site.