Overwhelmed to say the least....

Last Update: August 05, 2010

Hello fellow WA's  

I have reached my two month mark here at WA. I feel like a juggler at the circus who has just been thrown tomatoes at! I have been balancing many things and seem to not be accomplising anything it seems towards my IM business. It seems just when I get started on something here( still working on action plan) something comes up. To make matters worse once I get back to what I'm working on I then feel like a deer in headlights! Ahhhh! I then get down on myself when I don't reach  my goals for the week. I have decided that I will refocus and go back to the beginning of the action plan. I may have to make smaller goals. I know that IM is what I want to do and with all of the successes and failures of  others here at WA it makes me want to fight more for success here at WA!

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Jamie Smith Premium
Reading through the Action Plan again is a good idea. Pick a niche that is a passion, so it doesn't feel like a "job". Also, check out Jay's mind map on his magistudios blog and enjoy his FREE webinars to help you see the BIG picture.
moonvine Premium
I think there needs to be a special group here for the overwhelmed, but then it would probably include everybody! Once I decided that I could not learn everything here in the first month, I seemed to do better! :)
Louise M. Premium
You have a positive mindset! Feeling overwhelmed is perfectly normal. You definitely have to break the whole thing into smaller steps and take action at your own pace. Going back through the lessons is essential in my opinion. Slowly but surely it will be easier and everything will connect and make sense. And don't forget that we are a community and that anytime you feel lost or have a question, feel free to ask it in the forum or PM members. I'd be glad to answer your questions anytime! Be consistent, believe in your success and you'll make it!
dec944 Premium
There are so many options with IM I think we all choked on it when we first started. It's like a pizza. We may wind up eating the whole thing (at least I do!) but it is cut in pieces for a reason. We take one piece and one bite at a time.

Stopping and creating a do-over plan is a good thing to do when it becomes so murky you don't know what ANY of it means any longer. At least that's how I felt. I think those who have been doing this a while will agree, we've all had to start over on things. It seems to happen when our desire out-paces our capacity.

Take small bites. Learn it and implement a small piece, then learn more. For me personally, I found learning too much without implementing just muddied the waters. I had to chunk it down, learn, implement, rinse, repeat. That was why doing article marketing first made sense - it's pretty free and a rinse and repeat process. But that is my learning style.

You'll get there with whatever style you work best with. It just takes time and commitment.

jatdebeaune Premium
Repetition and patience. It's a lot of reviewing before it becomes natural and second nature. Don't worry. Just act on a few things at a time, and review constantly.