Better Than Yesterday

Last Update: October 16, 2009

Yesterday, I was a bit more frazzled than I should have been.   Thanks to buddies like Internetgranny & Dr.Resiprocity that remind me that patience is a virtue.  I was able to go to the forum & get some of the issue resolved just by reading a prior post.  The one answering a question had a similar problem as me.  The one responding, informed her that by using "Allintitle" just before the keyword phrase you are using in the google search bar, will show all the results with that keyword in the titles.  She explains that if that keyword is not at least in the titles, the keyword isn't optimized for those results.  So a regularly searching (w/out Allintitle in the search bar) may yield over 5000 results, but if the keyword phrase is anywhere in the listing it will show up in the results.  She says it's best just to get those results that have the keyword phrase just in the titles.  I know I didn't explain this as well.  Just finished working 12 hours, so I'm really tired.  Anyway, just wanted to say, I learned something new and that made a big difference.

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Internetgranny Premium
How interesting! Thanks - I didn't know that. And yes, it's amazing how much one can learn just by reading forum posts and blogs.