Catiously Entering Website Territory!

Last Update: December 15, 2009

I am basically done with my intensive review of the training material.  It helped a lot as I’ve explained in previous posts.  I wrote another article today.  I am not writing as many articles as I wanted, but I am finding that each time I write, it gets easier and easier.  As my last one, the one I wrote today was also very good.  It was even better than the last one.

I knew I had it in me.  I enjoy writing and I wanted to enjoy writing articles.  At first, it wasn’t enjoyable, but now I’m finding that I don’t I have work so hard to write articles.  They are getting better as far as content and quality work.  The article I wrote today took much less time than any.  Not quite done with it, I just need some statistical data which I will research on the web, shouldn’t take much time.

Despite the fact that I’ve been writing better articles, I haven’t published any of my latest articles.  I have submitted 3 prior articles to Squidoo when I was just learning to write articles.  Today, I started reading Potpie Girls Squidoo 101, just to make sure I am taking advantage of all that Squidoo has to offer.  

Why haven’t I published any of my latest articles? Well reviewing the training material, it stated that direct linking isn’t as effective as linking to a website.  I don’t have a blog or a website.  I want to increase my chances of getting clicks and sales.  I really don’t know how much of a chance I have of selling (WA program & diet program) without a website or at least a blog.

That brings me to my next topic, today I just browsed over the website section.  After I complete two of Pot Pie Girls training material, I will start focusing on the website material.  As I’ve stated before, website topic is the most intimidating for me of any of the training material.  I have absolutely no experience with websites or even blogs, but I will get through it.  I know I can do it.  I am undecided as to a niche for a website.  I am promoting two programs currently, but to create a website or a blog, I imagine that I need a specific and low competition niche.  

Once I get through the website material, I should be well on my way to applying all this and start making some sales.  Even with a website, I don’t expect immediate sales; I realize it’s a process, getting everything in place.  I will work at doing just that.  My goal is by this time next year to have quit my current job and be making a living completely online.  Oh goodness, I have a definite goal, I better get busy.


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idm Premium
It's nice to see you're making progress. I think I started article writing with a poor mindset and I over-complicated it. If you have done some research and can speak about the topic conversationally then you can probably easily write an article. Like Skybound has mentioned a lot of web content you find isn't the best quality so if you do some work it will stand out better. If you ever have questions about web sites or technical stuff feel free to ask me questions.
Skybound Premium
Pleased to hear you are enjoying the writing, depsite finding it hard work. You are clearly conscientious and serious about writing. These attributes will help you hold your course and achieve your ambition. I'm constantly amazed at the poor quality of a lot of web content. So many people seem to think that all they have to do is put a few sentences together. Not you. You recognise that writing is a skill and a craft. It takes time and practice. Mind you, I happen to think it's always 'hard work' if you do it right. It's just that sometimes it doesn't feel like it. I wish you a fulfilling and successful 2010.
Barnabus Premium
Courage, as long as you have the materials to go by,desire to succeed and a goal in mind, you'll be OK. (or better than OK) As far as a blog goes, you are doing it now ;) Every once in awhile I use as a learning tool. It's free and has a lot of good tips. I had a website at one time , but lost interest in the subject (sportscards). Truth of the matter I didn't have any idea what I was doing. (LOL) What I did learn was fresh,updated content is always a must if you want returning customers. So, by reading your blog here about what you are doing you are doing good so far. Speaking of busy, I better quit talking and go do some work on my own.. Have a good day. Barnabus