Coming Up with Keywords

Last Update: October 15, 2009

I had joined WA Affiliate Program.  I am trying to come up with suitable keywords to start writing the articles, but I'm not having much luck.  Been at this for over an hour.  I'll get there, but just a little frustrated at the moment.  I've used the Keyword Tools & I even have Micro Niche Finder program.  I will go to the forum to see if I can get any ideas.  With so many other things to do, I haven't spent much time a the forum.

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Internetgranny Premium
Finding your million dollar keywords is likely to take a bit of time. If it was a matter of finding them within a few minutes, everyone would be rich by now. So just hang in there and keep learning and doing. Don't get too frustrated, just make notes of what you learn, and it'll get easier.
Hey, new buddy. I just finished my very first article using the Rapid Writer litterally like a minute before I checked out your blog. It took me 3 or 4 hours easy, but I did it! Just don't get discouraged. There's a process to learning and it starts with just doing. You'll get it. Stick in there.